Beneficiaries of Conduct | LAWFUL live by some set of rules, one’s own or those of the land | NEUTRAL rather not have rules, but won’t actively break them | CHAOTIC live by some set of rules, one’s own or those of the land |
GOOD for the betterment of all | Justice is all. Honor is my armor. He who commits a crime will pay. Without law and truth, there is only chaos. I am the light, I am the sword of righteousness. My enemy shall pay in the end. Right is might. My soul is pure. My word is truth. Core Concepts: Duty, fairness, honor, property, responsibility, right, truth, virtue, worthiness | Do the best I can. See the good in everyone. Help others. Work toward the greater good. My soul is good, regardless of how I look. Never judge a book by its cover. Devotion to the goodness in life does not require approval. Charity begins at home. Be kind. Core Concepts: Benevolence, charity, considerateness, goodness, humaneness, kindness, reason, right | My soul is good, but free. Laws have no conscience. Blind order promotes disorder. Goodness cannot be learned just from a book of prayer. Compassion does not wear a uniform. The smallest act of kindness is never wasted. Repay kindness with kindness. Be kind to someone in trouble—it may be you who needs kindness the next day. Core Concepts: Benevolence, charity, freedom, joy, kindness, mercy, warmth |
NEUTRAL not against helping, but not all the time | Order begets order. My word is my bond. Chaos will destroy the world. Respect rank. I live by my code and I’ll die by my code. Tradition must continue. Order is the foundation of all culture. I am my own judge. Core Concepts: Harmony, loyalty, order, organization, rank, rule, system, tradition, word | Our whims and desires are irrelevant, compared to the turning wheel of the world. I am who I am. Trust no one but your friends and family. The wheel turns in spite of us. Systems come and go. All empires fade. Time is a healer. The seasons never change. The sun does not care what it rises over. Core Concepts: Balance, cycles, equality, harmony, impartiality, inevitability, nature, seasons | A rolling stone gathers no moss. There is only today. Be like the wind and be taken wherever fate sees fit. He who fights fate courts folly. You only live once. Power to those who do not wish for power. Avoid anything in a uniform. Challenge the old orders. Core Concepts: Capriciousness, fate, freedom, individuality, liberty, self-possession, unpredictability |
EVIL everyone for themselves – me especially! | One day, I will rule. A strong leader is admired, a weak leader overthrown. I have principles and I am right. Chaos brings death. In this world there is only order or oblivion. Rank must be respected and feared. The weak will follow sure leaders. Sin is satisfaction. Everyone has vices. Core Concepts: Calculation, discipline, malevolence, might, punishment, rationality, subjugation, terror | I am the most important thing in creation. Do what you want, but never get caught. Conscience is for angels. Evil for evil’s sake. Vice is its own reward. The sinner enjoys his life. Evil is just a word. Others envy my freedom and life without conscience. Core Concepts: Desire, immorality, need, selfishness, sin, vice, viciousness, vileness, wickedness | If I want something, I take it. Might is right. The strong rule the weak. Respect me or suffer. Fear me. There is only today, and today I take what I need. Anger brings out the best in me. I am the stronger one. Core Concepts: Anarchy, anger, amorality, brutality, chaos, degeneracy, freedom, profaneness, violence |