Reactions represent things that you can do outside of your Turn based on certain Triggers.
You are allowed ONE Reaction each round.
Your Reaction can occur at any time during the Round. If it occurs during another’s Turn, his Turn is suspended until your Reaction is resolved.
The most common Reaction is the Opportunity Attack. Anytime someone moves from within striking range to outside striking range, they provoke an Opportunity Attack from the character they are moving away from.
- Example: if an opponent attempts to Move past you or Attacks you and then attempts to Move away, you get a free swing at him. This is true for when you Move away from an opponent as well; they would get a free swing at you.
Other Reactions might be a special ability, spell, or other feature of the game may allow you to react to a specific triggering event.
- Example: a wizard using his Feather Fall spell that is triggered when the wizard is pushed over a cliff, or steps into a pit trap.