After some time around a “campfire”, the group decided to retrace their steps to gain some new knowledge of the Labyrinth and, hopefully, these bracelets. They determined that the bracelets are pulling water through the walls and into the Labyrinth. Some talk was given to there possibly being a time limit to this quest.
After getting back to where they “kept camp” for a bit, the group forged ahead and found themselves in a room of blood and canteens. The next room was the stage for a battle against 6 Giant Rats, which netted the party 25XP each.
They then found that a door they had seen earlier connected to the room they were in now! Huzzah! They filled up their newly found canteens with quicksilver and proceeded.As they entered the next room, they were swarmed with rats. After the rats were all killed, the party earned an additional 40XP each.
After entering a checkerboard room and destroying some barrel staves, Tholannan nearly died from a hidden pit trap… that had already been discovered.
The following room housed a Giant Scorpion that stood beside a scrap of paper, which turned out to be a piece of the map.
The scorpion was distracted when 3 Giant Rats entered the room behind him. With the scorpion distracted, Burton and Shadowsilver snuck around the room and made their way ahead. Just as the rest of the group was about to follow Burton and Shadowsilver’s lead, the 3 rats were defeated and the battle-weakened scorpion turned to face the group. The rats took enough out of the scorpion to make it a bearable fight for The Assembly, but Qhortho was taken down in the process — though he was revived afterward with a little effort. For that encounter, each person earned 115XP and leveled! w00t!
The next room contained 3 gnolls that tried to get the jump on Burton as he entered the room, but he held back and shanked the first gnoll with ease. Shadowsilver then followed up with the killing blow. The team took out the remaining 2 gnolls and then split up some loot from the corner of the room… the corpses were then thrown into the fireplace and burned. On the wall read, “You cannot kill it with wizardry”.
The very next room had 2 more gnolls, which were dispatched with a quickness. The group then split up the loot in the corner and prepared to rest for some time. The two gnoll battles earned a total of 85XP each.
The current location is marked by the X on the map above…
In total, each member of The Assembly earned 265XP in this session, bringing the total to 475XP each.