First Time?
The Assembly packs up camp and loads up their giant elk and covered wagon. As they are about to get on their way, still exhausted from the night’s twisted tidings, the prisoner pipes up.
PRISONER: Can you loosen these restraints a bit? I’m not going anywhere.
They respond that they don’t see any reason why they should. The prison reminds them that he was just a hired hand and has no real ill will towards them. The party remains steadfast in their assessment even with repeated requests.
They get on their way. The very wide road provides good berth to any passersby, but they find none this day. The sun finally sets after a long quiet day of travel. The landscape is very different from any they’d seen in Westeros this far; Dorne with its deserts, the Reach with its warm rolling hills and grassy plains, the Vale of Aryn with its rocky juts and winding paths. The North is a lot of forest laid upon rocky terrain. Areas without forest show the ground to be open enough to provide plenty of visibility, but the landscape is littered in the distance with steeper rocky hills.
That night, they experience their first real snowfall. Though they’d experienced snowy encounters over the past night, none of that was real, regardless of how it felt. It couldn’t have been, right?
It’s not the coldest you’ve ever been, but there is a chill that feels different. If winter’s not here yet, it’s certainly coming.
They stop to set up camp. Rolan decides his clothing may not be entirely up to the task of the weather and decides it’s time to hunt some wolves or bears. Something with a thick coat. Qhortho joins him.
Rolan casts Pass Without Trace on himself and Qhortho and they head into the woods just as their prisoner is again asking for his restraints to be loosened. They find 2 sets of bear tracks and follow the trail towards a small hill. As they peek over the top, they see 2 bears not more than 50 feet away, but the bears have no idea they are being hunted.
Qhortho silently charges the bears and plunges his great sword into the beast. The bear moves as the sword approaches and the blade sinks deep into the bear’s shoulder. Qhortho withdraws it quickly and plunges it directly into the animal’s heart. Blood pours out of the wound, down the blade, covering it and Qhortho’s hands in thick blood.
As he kicks the carcass from his sword, an arrow whizzes past Qhortho’s ear and sinks into the dead bear. Qhortho looks back towards Rolan.
QHOR: Watch it with those things!
The next arrow sinks deep into the live bear’s ear and it falls flat into the snow with a soft thud. They field dress the bears, wrap the meat in the pelts, and use large branches to carry their prizes back to camp. Though it is getting dark by this point, Rolan casts Darkvision on both himself and Qhortho.
When they arrive, they boast of the feast they will all now enjoy. Qhortho looks at the prisoner.
QHOR: Except for you, guy. We saved the testicles and anus for you.
That night, they each experience strange dreams, but nothing like the night before. The dreams this night focus on some specific imagery: glowing green roots growing out of obsidian with dragons circling in the sky above.
They awake the next morning to a welcoming, warm sun. The air is still quite brisk, but luckily, no new snow is falling as they wrap up camp. They have the opportunity to perform their daily rituals and then get on their way.
The day feels generally long and boring. The scenery is beautiful in its own way, but it’s not exactly holding anyone’s attention in the same way as the other regions of Westeros. Here, it feels… monochrome. And quiet.
The prisoner continues to raise issue with his restraints and is turned down time and time again.
When they finally stop to make camp again, Qarzdaq attempts to fashion a bear hat. He finds a suitable piece of the pelt and has a perfect plan for how it should look and be crafted. And he knows the perfect tool to use for the job: his dragonglass dagger. However, when his theory is put into practice, his lacking survival skills are only marginally aided by his prestidigitation, producing a mediocre hat. It is very clean though. Regardless of how it turned out objectively, he is very proud of his creation and dons it while they sit around the fire that night.
The next morning, they perform their normal rituals and things are starting to feel back to normal.
The prisoner once again complains about his restraints. Aran looks them over and though his wrists are somewhat bloodied, this seems to be due to testing the restraints more than simple tightness. Aran tells him again that they are not going to loosen his binds.
Qhortho has an idea. He provides one of his healing potions to the prisoner in the form of Ye Ole Unlikely Enema. The prisoner jolts upright but begins to feel a little better.
Rolan looks over to him.
ROLAN: First time?
The prisoner looks at Rolan slyly.
Rolan breaks eye contact, looks back at him, then looks away and disengages.
The Past is Upon Us
They get on their way and around mid-morning they hear an approaching group of galloping horses in the direction they are headed.
A dozen soldiers ride up with swords at their sides and bows on their backs, bearing a grey banner and wearing matching wolf leather armor. They slow to a stop. The one with greatest stature, front and center, continues a few more steps towards the party. Although they appear ready for a fight, it does not seem as if the soldiers intend to bring that fight to them.
LEADER: Oy there, erything alright with you lot? We were on our way as soon as we heard you were coming.
He pauses a moment.
LEADER: Pardon. I am Karlon Stark, son of Harlon Stark. I’ve been sent by my father to aid you. I expect you are those known as The Unlikely Assembly, no? Yer certainly not northerners and so I just assumed…
The party responds that they are in fact the Unlikely Assembly and they have a prisoner to be brought to Winterfell.
KARLON: I see. We will deal with that shortly. But more importantly, you are being pursued. I am to escort you to Winterfell. We’ve received a number of messages about you just a few days ago, almost all at once. You have admirers, but I must tell you, if you don’t already know, it seems you’ve made some enemies. All evidence suggests you can stand your ground and you don’t seem to be “of the hedges” to the south. You will be welcome to bread and salt at…
He is interrupted by the sound of his men raising and drawing their bows.
Rolan immediately turns towards the south and raises his bow. In the distance, perhaps a hundred feet away, three mounted people come to a slow stop.
Rolan REALLY wants to loose some arrows into these people but stays his hand just barely.
The rest of the party turn their mounts to face the newcomers. Having not been fired upon yet, they approach and stop about 50 feet out. Their armor and gear inform that the 2 women and 1 man seem to be more than simple bandits. It’s now also apparent there is a body stowed on back of the center woman’s horse. She is the first to break the silence.
LEADER: Karlon, stay your weapons. This does not concern you. We are here on official business from the Eyrie. And you, the ones known as The Unlikely Assembly. Lay down your weapons. Lord Reysin requests your presence to discuss the whereabouts of a particular person. I think you know who I’m talking about…
The Assembly share a few glances. Rolan gets an idea. He lowers his bow.
ROLAN: Oh! Holy shit! We know exactly who you’re talking about and you would not believe what happened!
LEADER: It is not for me to hear and make judgment. I am to who needs to know. Lord Reysin is expecting us at the Eyrie with haste.
ARAN: Well, we’re sure as shit not going with you.
LEADER: We do not want to cause more harm, but we must insist you come with us.
Rolan laughs heartily.
QARZ: Surely we may all gather in Winterfell and send a raven back to Lord Reysin.
Karlon maneuvers his horse through the Assembly to stand between them and the newcomers.
KARLON: You may insist all you want, but you are in The North, outside your jurisdiction. These people are guests of House Stark. You will stand down.
Karlon motions to his men. They lower their bows.
KARLON: There will be no violence here today. It seems you know who I am, but I am at a loss for your name.
LEADER: The name is Eyla.
No one responds with any indication of recognition.
EYLA: We’ve been following this group since they’ve left the Eyrie. We’ve only just now caught up. We do not will violence against you, Karlon, or your men, but we do have our orders. If you claim these folk as your guests, we will not inflict violence on them either, but…
She dismounts and pulsl the unconscious person from her horse. He hits the ground hard. With a series of very fluid motions, she drags the person in front of her, blocking herself almost entirely, and has a dagger up to his throat a moment later.
The Assembly recognize this man. It is Zinsueli.
A Tragic End
ARAN: You two need to stop this bickering like little bitches. Let’s move.
QHOR: We have work to do.
ZINSUELI: Fine. I’ll stick around for this last task, but after that, we’re heading back with the Root.
ARAN: Yeah, you’re welcome for keeping that from falling into the wrong hands.
ZINSUELI: It belongs to the Children of the Forest. We are here to serve and protect them.
ROLAN: Yeah, you’re a real child of the forest, aren’t ya…
ZINSUELI: You know what? Fuck this. Fuck all of you.
He descends the spiral staircase and leaves the castle. He climbs down into the swampy mud and finds some higher ground. He is fuming.
ZINSUELI: Fucking Balishna… So fucking opportunistic. Fuck.
He knows he can’t actually just leave them here. This is far too important. They’ll realize it too.
WOMAN: Make a fucking sound and you’ll be killed.
ZINSUELI: Lady, you have no idea who or what you’re interfering with right now.
Zinsueli looks around and realizes his boiling blood has blurred his situational awareness. He is surrounded by 4 other men and women, all armed with bows and all with very good gear. These are not bandits. The woman speaks softly.
WOMAN: My name is Eyla. I do not wish to harm you, but your fellow travelers are wanted for questioning. Nothing more. We have been tracking you for some time, but you seem to travel very quickly.
Suddenly, they hear a commotion from the floating castle.
Zinsueli takes this as his opportunity. He lashes out at the closest one and knocks him out. He is quickly subdued and bound.
The castle goes quiet.
EYLA: We’ll search the castle. But first…
One of the other people gives a small vial to her.
EYLA: You’re going to need to take this.
ZINSUELI: Fuck you.
She pulls a dagger with what look to be brass knuckles as part of the handle. She punches Zinsueli in the face several times until he is dazed. While his mouth is agape, she pushes the vial into his mouth and smashes his jaw closd on the thin glass vial. The shards of glass in the roof of his mouth and in his gums sting as the contents of the vial enter.
Zinsueli comes to with a major dehydration headache.
EYLA: You’re awake…
They take the opportunity to rest themselves and provide him some water.
ZINSUELI: What have you done with them?
EYLA: Nothing. They’re gone. We’re tracking them now, but they just vanished.
The thought brings a smile to his face.
EYLA: Don’t you worry. We’ll find them soon enough.
They travel for days and weeks towards the east, towards the Eyrie, then suddenly change direction towards the north. Where are they going?
Throughout all of this, he wasn’t necessarily treated badly. That is, except for when he’d tried to escape or kill one of them. He realizes the retaliation was warranted, but they never went so far as to outright kill him. They wanted him alive. They need him alive.
It’s at that moment, he realizes… He is a bargaining chip. At least he has that going for him. Perhaps when they finally catch up with the Assembly, he would have the perfect distraction to prevent an ambush. At this point, he needs to be a good prisoner. He needs to be docile and easygoing. For the Assembly. And the mission.
Eventually they arrive outside the small town of Moat Cailin. Everyone except Eyla goes into town while the rest of them stay hidden outside the southern entrance. Eyla returns a few hours later.
EYLA: Well, they were definitely here. Left with the local fortuneteller, but certainly made a name for themselves around town. Seems they’d sent several ravens too. We’re no longer the only alerted to them. We need to move. Quickly.
They mount up and ride through the town and continue north. Zinsueli finds it odd that they seem to effortlessly know exactly the direction to travel at times. A couple more days come and go.
EYLA: Zinsueli. You’ve been following our rules well, but I suspect the fight in you is not gone. You will need to take this before we get on our way today.
ZINSUELI: And if I refuse?
Eyla immediately has her dagger out, flips it around deftly and holds it to his throat.
EYLA: We don’t need to repeat what happened the last time, do we?
The man Zinsueli had incapacitated outside the floating castle grinned with anticipation. Zinsueli realizes they must expect to run into the Assembly today or why else do this. He must act to save them. There’s no way they’ll all survive some of the things he’d seen from this group.
He opens his mouth, fully expecting to spit it out as soon as it got into his mouth. Instead, as the vial is opened and brough near, he is smashed in the chest by a Warhammer. As he is gasping for air, the vial’s worth of poison enters his gut.
The last moments before his sleep are filled with disappointment and failure. The doom he felt from losing Faryn and Shaylin intensifies as he realizes he’ll live while his last squad member… no… family member, Balishna will be dead when he awakens next. He’ll probably lose at least one other of his comrades and he’ll never get the chance to…
Zinsueli loses consciousness.
The Eyrie Will Wait, But Not Forever
EYLA: This one was captured in The Neck. Perhaps I will just exact judgment on him here. Right now.
ARAN: He isn’t one of us! He would have left us in the middle of a fight! You think this is some kind of threat to me? Slit his throat. I don’t care. His life matters none to me.
EYLA: And this is how you treat an ally?
QARZ: He is at the mercy of your justice. He is no ally to us.
ROLAN: Karlon, you just mentioned that there would be no violence today.
KARLON: No violence to us or our guests. You claim he is no ally and he was captured outside the North. This man is not our prisoner nor is he under our protection. Still, Eyla, you should not do this or I will take this up with the Eyrie.
EYLA: Take it up with the Eyrie.
She slices his throat and lets him slump to the ground. She mounts her horse.
EYLA: The Starks can’t keep you safe forever.
The trio ride south, out of sight.
Qarzdaq asks Karlon whether this is how the Eyrie normally operates, with summary executions, seemingly on a whim. Karlon tells him that though their customs are different than those in the North and that the current regime may be a bit quick to judge, what we just witnessed is not aligned with what he would expect of the Eyrie.
KARLON: Something else might be driving these decisions and it does make me question who you might have crossed in your path. Perhaps it is best to visit with the Eyrie in due time, but I believe you made the right decision by not going with them.
QARZ: We don’t respond well to threats.
ARAN: No, we do not.
QARZ: And that certainly did not seem to be a cordial invitation.
KARLON: The way you put it, this man was a deserter in combat. If that is indeed the case, who am I to judge you for these actions one way or another.
The road to Winterfell is another 10 days’ travel. One night, about halfway there, Qarzdaq tries Blinking to find the red lightning bolts and cannot see far enough to find any. He sees shadowy figures at his peripheral limits, but nothing that feels dangerous, just a little spooky.
He knows that he’d been able to see the lightning bolts before, but why would it stop working? Have they moved? Or do they turn off and on periodically? He realizes that the prior times, the Greenguard was nearby. Could they have added some unique capability to his Blink? Hard to tell.
After traveling the cold road through forests and somewhat rocky fields, the sight of a great castle is welcoming. Before they reach the castle, they find themselves walking through a mostly deserted town.
KARLON: This ere’s Winter Town. Populated in the winters by the mountain clans.
The height of the castle walls and breadth of the castle’s footprint are staggering. The party had no idea Winterfell was quite this big, but in thinking about this being ten thousand years old and having never been breached, it all makes sense.
As they arrive at the outer doors, they hear men shouting and the doors are opened for them.
Passing through the threshold, they realize they have only gotten to the moat crossing. Dual drawbridges meet in the center, providing the path to another door. It opens to a courtyard area with another large gatehouse about 50 feet ahead.
KARLON: The stable is to the right. We’ll head from there to the Great Keep to meet with my father.
As they near the stables, the familiar sounds of commands being shouted to archers are heard from just beyond the wall to the next ward over. Ready! Nock! Mark! Draw! Loose! The sound of at least 30 arrows striking targets follows immediately after.
As they settle up with the stable (no charge of course), Karlon offers to take their prisoner into custody. They also decide that they’d like to bury Zinsueli in the forest. Karlon leads the Assembly towards the Great Keep, but stops before reaching the gate.
KARLON: Before we meet with my father, I want to talk to you about the situation with House Bolton. You happened to be on your way here just when I could use the services of men such as yourselves, if you’d be willing. In return, I’d like to aid you with finding what is driving the visions you described in your letters. You mentioned to Oldtown that you saw animated skeletal creatures on skeletal horses and a lich commander in an ice citadel. And something about a horn of animal bone in the woods. Do you know what you are to do with this information? Or where you are going after leaving Winterfell?
QARZ: We’ve been seeking places of power tied to this force. There are at least 3 more. Generally, it’s led us to the north. And our visions suggest we must go to the far north.
KARLON: I see. And these places of power. How are you to find them?
QARZ: I have an ability to enter another plane of existence and they appear as red lightning.
KARLON: I see. So you know where you have to go from here.
QARZ: We do not. I have not been able to see them as I had when we were in the Neck.
KARLON: So you need to scout the region then. Hmmm… Well, I can’t help much directly with these locations you seek, but I’d like to give you access to our library and maester. In return, I’d ask that you help train some of our men and lead a small team to find or create weak points at the Dreadfort to finish this once and for all. After all, if you would need our help in the future, we would have the resources if we are to finally force the Boltons to bend the knee.
ARAN: What do their defenses look like?
KARLON: I will show you a map once we’ve shared bread and salt. Assuming you are willing.
They all agree that they are willing.
QARZ: This sounds mutually beneficial and you have shown us nothing but hospitality.
KARLON: Agreed. And perhaps Maester Urlyn will be able guide you more directly to the answers you seek. Come. Let us meet with my father Harlon.
One What’s This “We” Shit?
As they turn towards the Grand Keep, a man seemingly appears from nowhere and interrupts.
FARRON: My apologies gentlemen, but I couldn’t help but overhear. Perhaps I could be of some service. It sounds like you could use a few scouts to search out these locations? And I don’t mean just run-of-the-mill scouts you’ll find in towns and taverns. No sirs. Not at all. So, have I piqued your interest?
ARAN: I’m not sure how you would help us…
Karlon seems slightly annoyed.
KARLON: And you are?
FARRON: The name’s Farron. Farron Frey. So. Have I piqued your interest?
He is clearly baiting them to ask for more information as he just lets his words hang. He seems to have the gift of gab, salesmanship, and also the ability to let an uncomfortable silence hang in the air to force others to speak.
ARAN: I… I don’t know.
QARZ: You mean the power locations?
FARRON: Any locations you wish to find. Yes!
QHOR: I don’t think this is the appropriate time. Can we speak later?
ARAN: Let’s meet at the tavern this evening.
QARZ: First round’s on me.
They try to continue on their way, but he blocks their path again.
FARRON: No, no, no! This is to be a mutual exchange. As I’ve said, the scouts I have access to are not your run-of-the-mill scouts.
QARZ: Maybe this afternoon you could give us a demonstration on what these scouts can do.
FARRON: I’m just not sure I’ll be ready to stick around town on just a hope that we reconnect. If you’d like to hear me out now, we can spend a few moments, and perhaps I join you on your way to the Grand Keep too.
ARAN: How about you Blink out of existence for a moment to prove you can do something worthwhile.
FARRON: Oh it is not I that have these powers, just my scouts. I just have the connections to get you what you need. SO… I ask again. Have I piqued your interest?
ARAN: Look, you might be able to help, but you also sound like you’re full of shit. But… maybe I could be convinced…
ROLAN: Alright fine. What’s so special about these scouts then? You have my interest.
FARRON: Excellent. Excellent. I would have to make the introduction of course, and I’m sure that is worth some coin…
He pauses.
FARRON: but it would be quite crude to ask for payment. No. I would like to join you if you find my scouts useful. My little roots, I call them.
They stand there not knowing how to respond to this. Do they really want some weirdo salesman joining their party out of the blue? Farron seems to pick up on this immediately.
FARRON: Only if you find them useful remember! I could also prove to be quite useful in helping you accomplish other goals you might have after finding these locations. Who knows?!
QARZ: Yeah, fuck it. I say we give him a shot.
Aran and Rolan agree, but Qhortho and Dorleck aren’t completely convinced.
FARRON: Quite superb.
ARAN: So what, you want a silver piece?
FARRON: No, not at all! No payment, no payment at all. I just want to join you.
ARAN: Why?
FARRON: I want to get out of this place! I want to do SOMETHING.
ARAN: But why us? You don’t know us.
FARRON: Actually, you got my attention as you were talking to Lord Karlon here. Your story is fascinating: visions, ice citadels, locations of power. What a story! Songs will be written about this and perhaps I will be the one to write them!
Aran doesn’t know what to say to this guy next and just sighs. Farron takes this as his opportunity to tag along.
FARRON: Great! Then shall we be on our way? Oh! We are to go to the Great Keep first, right?
Farron looks at Karlon, eyebrows raised, looking for him to answer. The Assembly continues to tell him that they will meet at the tavern, but Farron acts as if they are not even speaking, waiting to hear a response from Karlon instead.
Karlon scowls slightly.
KARLON: Yeah… This way…
Bread and Salt
They enter the Great Keep. As large as it is, the feel is very utilitarian. It’s well-kept and warm with the fire in full swing, but that does nothing for the cold, hard décor. None of the flourish seen in other areas farther south is exhibited here.
They enter a smaller room from a back hall.
KARLON: My father should be joining us shortly.
A servant enters the room behind them.
SERVANT: Do you have need of anything my Lord?
KARLON: Yes. Please send 7 pints of our finest stout and stew. We will break bread while we wait.
The servant leaves the room.
KARLON: Let us discuss the situation in more detail. First, from the ravens we’ve received, it seems man speak favorably of you, but not all we received is good. You’ve crossed some people it seems.
ARAN: It seems the Eyrie is mad at us, but it is misplaced. Maybe some people don’t like that we don’t come back after the job is complete, but we get the job done every single time. We’ve got way more people on our side than against us.
KARLON: Not to make this a hearing, but I’d like to just get to know you better. But Highgarden and Oldtown both separately mentioned they were looking for a man by the name of Tyrone. Highgarden specifically mentioned something about an evil within the Children of the Forest?
ARAN: That really doesn’t match our experience. Tyrone was doing some evil stuff and we took care of him. We were on his side for a long time, but it was all misplaced. It turned out he was on the wrong side of humanity. He was dealt with swiftly.
KARLON: What do you mean by evil stuff?
ARAN: He was trying to amass a power that no man should even obtain and he was doing it for his own end. He did not care who he hurt, and if he’d succeeded, we would all be powerless to stop him. He was the perfect example of someone who tasted power and went too far. I’m sure you’ve seen that yourself.
QHOR: We should show Karlon the artifacts.
A line of servants enter the room with stouts and stew for everyone. They leave behind a mound of bread and a small pile of salt in the center of the table. The bread and salt are more tradition when hosting guests in the north than to be served.
The Assembly thanks the servants as they are served and begin eating.
Qarzdaq takes a pinch of the salt pile and drops it into his stew. He then takes a piece of bread and dips it into the stew. Though the stew doesn’t look like much, it’s actually quite tasty.
Karlon takes a swig of his stout.
KARLON: So, the Eyrie. Who are they looking for?
ARAN: They’re looking for a guy that was traveling with us for fame and fortune. We were seeking to disrupt a dangerous source of elemental Fire magic. We even had a run-in with a red dragon…
QHOR: Which we vanquished!
Qarzdaq’s heart drops slightly.
ARAN: But we never went back there to tell them we’d finished the job. Apparently, he was friends with a lot of people we didn’t know about until after the fact. He seemed like a normal merchant, but it seems he had a lot of political ties. He didn’t make it out of the caverns… Not by our doing though. Our history is of helping those who cannot help themselves, but sometimes even we cannot help them. We are people of action. And people of action always have friends and always have enemies. People of inaction have neither.
KARLON: So the Eyrie commissioned you for the task?
ARAN: Not exactly. It’s a little complicated. We were led down a path because of Tyrone until we realized what he was up to. We then met with some of the Children and found out about a more dire threat. Investigating the threat led us near the Eyrie, not that they were involved, but that was when we met the merchant who wanted to tag along.
Aran turns to Farron.
ARAN: And no offense mister, but that is part of what makes me weary of having you join us. We know nothing of your affiliations or goals.
Farron simply shrugs, not wanting to move the focus from questioning the Assembly.
KARLON: Hmmm… Ok. Casterly Rock…
Karlon sighs as if he doesn’t even want to bring this up.
KARLON: They mentioned something of your tone, whatever that means.
ARAN: They may not have liked how matter of fact we were, but we took care of a major problem they had that was greatly affecting their economy. They should be more thankful.
QARZ: We care more about solving problems than the ins and outs of politeness sometimes. It’s not because we’re disrespectful, we’re just direct.
QHOR: Our capabilities command respect. And when that is not received, we respond in kind.
KARLON: Yes. Well, I believe we are mostly in agreement here. I care more of actions than reputation and tone any day, but one must also consider the capabilities of others. It is better to make allies than enemies, but if an alliance is not sought, it is best to stay neutral than turn another against himself.
Harlon Stark, King of the North, enters the room. Karlon stands immediately.
KARLON: Father.
Harlon nods to Karlon. Everyone else stands.
HARLON: Good day all.
A servant enters with a beverage for the king. When she leaves the room, she closes the door.
FARRON: My liege, I’d like to…
Karlon shoots him a look that stops Farron in his tracks.
KARLON: I’d like to introduce the group known as the Unlikely Assembly. Ser Aran, Ser Qhortho, Ser Qarzdaq, Ser Rolan, Mister Dorleck, and… I’m… I’m sorry, what was your name again?
FARRON: Farron. Farron Frey. You’ll remember it soon enough. Once I bring about a proper trade of services that benefits us all and with plenty more to come, I’m sure.
Karlon and Harlon look at each other.
HARLON: Yes. Well. Good to meet you all. It seems you come with mixed reputations. Dare I say that anyone standing for a cause will make enemies, even if their actions are righteous. And that’s how I judge those around me. Based in action. You take no actions with or against me, my neutrality will stand. You take actions to aid me, I have all the reason to aid you. You take actions against me, and you will stand against me. I hope that is clear.
ARAN: Yes. We came here looking for allies, so we are wondering what we can do to prove that to you.
HARLON: This is good. This is good. You are guests of Winterfell by my son Harlon. You are free to roam about as you wish and stay as long as you’d like. I’ve just come from the Godswood, where I have prayed on your visit and the situations you claim in your letters. Though I get a strong sense of anxiety from the wood, I sense no precise evil. In fact, the forest seems to favor you. And as such, by the Old Gods, I am open to what lies before us.
Karlon explains the plan that was discussed in the courtyard about training soldiers and helping with the Dreadfort in return for providing access to information.
FARRON: And if I may, you will not regret this.
Karlon and Harlon both say at the same time: “we’ll see.” They glance at each other and the King excuses himself to attend to other matters at hand. He expresses his pleasure to have met them and for a desire to see where this turns out.
Qarzdaq addresses Karlon.
QARZ: Could you tell us more about how we can help train the troops?
KARLON: Given current circumstances, after you take… Farron, is that right?
FARRON: Yes. That’s right. I knew you’d get it.
Karlon grits his teeth slightly.
KARLON: After you meet his so-called Little Roots, you would return here to help train them using the knowledge you’ve gained through your travels. You don’t get the reputation you’ve garners without gaining a lot of experience. And if the storied hold true, you will be able to help on the front lines as well with covert actions.
They decide it is time to leave the keep, rest, and set out to meet the Little Roots in the morning.
FARRON: That would be fantastic! And I would love to sit down and have a drink!
QARZ: Sounds good especially because you’re paying!
FARRON: We can each pay for himself, but by the end of it, you might be paying for me!
QARZ: We’ll see.
FARRON: We’ll see! That’s what I like to hear. “We’ll see” is an open door. I am happy to join you for drinks in the tavern. And for what comes after, we’ll see!
QARZ: Karlon, we’d like to meet your maester when we could get the chance.
KARLON: Yes. Let us make that introduction now and get this show on the road.
Parlor Tricks?
They leave the keep for the library. They enter a large octagonal building with a staircase around the inside the perimeter providing access to the numerous volumes on its shelves. They make the introduction with Maester Urlyn and Karlon takes his leave.
The Assembly tell the maester about the red lightning on the ethereal plane leading to places of power. They describe that they’d already removed the corrupted Water source and the corrupted Fire source, but they are after the force of Air now. The one red lightning location had a portal they destroyed and appears to be connected to Air. The other locations they seek now are also expected to be Air.
The maester is very interested by this and tells them that the air has been getting colder and that winter is coming. He says this with a bit of remorse, knowing that with Winter comes death.
He describes the Long Night being a period of time thousands of years ago when the undead took over most of the world, snuffing out any life it came across. They spread as far south as Dorne. It seems that although nothing in its path was immune from its effects, the Children of the Forest were able to consolidate and ward it off in some locations, the God’s Eye being one of them.
Qarzdaq describes the vision they’d had of the undead and the large animal horn being tossed into the forest. The maester tells him that he would need to research more about this horn.
He goes on to tell them that Long Night finally came to a close when the Wall was constructed to keep the undead at bay. However, few believe the history and do not take the Winters as seriously, treating the history as myth.
Qarzdaq mentions how he learned of this period during his time at the Red Temple and that he learned that Azor Ahai was the one that lifted the Long Night. The maester tells him that religion is not required to understand the events, but it is true that the magnitude of power and might that brought an end to the Long Night had never been recorded before or since.
Maester Urlyn adds that he’s not heard of anything describing red lightning, but the idea of undead strongholds rings a bell. He ponders whether they are connected and tells them he’ll need to do more research.
URLYN: You are also welcome to do your own research here. As long as you’re careful, of course.
ARAN: What about the horn?
URLYN: Yes… it is reminiscent of the Horn of Joramun. Also known as the Horn of Winter. They say this can take down the Wall, though no one has ever found it, so who is to truly say.
They leave the Library and decide that since the sun is beginning to set that they should get to know each other over some drink at the tavern and leave to meet the “Little Roots” in the morning.
They approach the crowded outdoor covered tavern lit by torches and stand around outside waiting for a table to empty.
ARAN: So, Farron… Are you going to help us train the troops?
FARRON: Oh no no no… I am no fighter. I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to aid those on the field, but I am not the one that will go into battle swinging a sword.
ARAN: Aid how? Like first aid? Not sure we need a medic. But how about you tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are your hobbies? Where are your bodies buried?
Farron laughs at this last bit and jumps right in.
FARRON: I mean, I get that you think I’m full of shit…
ARAN: Yeah, I kind of do.
FARRON: And you have every right to, my friend! How about I buy the first round of drinks and show you a few things. After that, if you are not impressed, no harm no foul. However, if you do find my talents interesting, you each buy the next rounds and we’ll learn more about each other?
ARAN: Fair enough.
Farron walks up to the counter and orders a round of Winterfell Stout. He picks up all the cups and carries them over to a fairly packed table of eight. The Assembly is out of earshot, but they see Farron speak a few words and all the occupants get up and leave happily. He places the cups down on the table and waves to the party to join him.
QARZ: What did you say to them?
FARRON: Oh it doesn’t take much.
He simply smiles at Qarzdaq and they all sit, now a little more skeptical yet curious about this guy.
FARRON: Ah, so I am to perform for you, yes?
ARAN: Yes.
FARRON: Well, let’s see…
He stares off in the distance and looks to be subconsciously touching the horn of stout as he is deciding on what to show. The others look at each other believing this guy is just a commoner until they see the horn begin to glow. He acts as if he is surprised by the glowing horn himself then cracks a smile. They are caught intrigued by the magic trick but find his showmanship fairly entertaining.
FARRON: That’s just a little something I like to use to break the ice. You’re not dealing with a commoner here.
The group trade looks with each other as if he’d read their minds.
FARRON: Here, ok, something more meaningful.
He snaps his fingers and all the torches go out at once. The entire tavern goes silent. He snaps his fingers again and the torches relight. The tavern conversation starts up and someone mentions that there must have been a gust of wind. That’s enough for most because they all start parroting the same “likely explanation” and get on with whatever they’d been talking about before.
QARZ: Ok, now we’re getting somewhere.
ARAN: Alright, you’ve got my attention.
FARRON: Here, how about a few more?
He summons a floating hand out of thin air and retrieves a key stealthily from a patron’s pocket.
ARAN: So you’re a thief?!
FARRON: No no no…
He directs the mage hand to return the key, but stops it just short and drops it on the ground by the person’s leg.
He holds up a finger to the Assembly, indicating that he just had an idea. He gets up from the table and approaches the patron.
FARRON: Friend, pardon my interruption, but I think you may have dropped a key from your pocket.
The man immediately grabs at his pockets and finds no key. He looks down on the ground and finds it, picks it up, and shoves it in his pocket.
PATRON: Oh wow! Thank you! I don’t know what my wife would have done had I lost this. Thank you much. Let me buy you a drink.
FARRON: Ah, yes, it seems my cup has runneth dry, that would be fantastic! Thank you very much!
PATRON: It is my pleasure.
Farron returns to the table after a minute of talking with the man, with a fresh horn of stout.
ROLAN: Interesting approach.
FARRON: I am no thief, but if an opportunity presents itself for an interesting end…
They all begin to understand this Farron’s cleverness and realize that physical abilities are not the only thing interesting about this guy.
FARRON: So, where was I? Oh yes!
He grabs a thick metal collar from his bag and places it on the wood table. He looks around and doesn’t seem to find what he’s looking for. He jumps up from the table and approaches the barkeep, retuning a few moments later with a cup of water.
ARAN: What’s this now?
Farron refuses to answer. Instead, he just places his hands about half a foot over the ring. A moment or two passes and it begins to glow red. The iron ring gets so hot that it begins to cause the table to smoke. After about 10 seconds, he stops.
QHOR: So what? You can pick things up and make things glow?
FARRON: This is no parlor trick. That was genuine heat.
He then moves his hands through the air and directs water out of the cup and onto the collar. Steam erupts from the cool liquid and he lifts the ring, shakes it off, then puts it back in his bag, leaving behind a charred circle in the table.
QARZ: I’ll tell you what would really impress me is if you could soil Qhortho’s pants for him!
The entire table laughs, except Qhortho.
QHOR: Look, you want to be a part of the group, you drink the contents of a vial we have, no questions asked.
Farron hesitates before answering.
ARAN: I don’t think we should waste that vial.
QARZ: Yeah, we still have time to get to know each other without bringing that stuff into this.
Seeing the tide is not with Qhortho, he jumps on the opportunity to side with Aran and Qarzdaq. While the party discusses this in more detail, Farron downs his complimentary beverage and places his cup on the table. The entire time, Dorleck does not look amused. Farron chooses not to address him at all.
FARRON: So… Have I earned my drinks?
ARAN: Yeah, ok.
QARZ: Yeah Farron, you’re alright.
Rolan nods with affirmation, Dorleck remains quiet, and Qhortho just grunts.
FARRON: That’s great! Let’s see what happens next.
After having a number of drinks, they get the idea to deal with Zinsueli’s body. Farron asks about him and after a short discussion about trying to bury him in the castle’s godswood, Farron tells them that it might be better to bury him in the forest, outside the castle walls because the castle’s godswood is sacred to the Starks. They agree that they should take Zinsueli’s body with them the next morning and find a suitable place while they travel to meet up with the Little Roots.
Winter is Here
They spend the night at the Great Hall. After their morning rituals, they meet up in the courtyard with Karlon Stark.
KARLON: Is there anything you need before you leave Winterfell?
QARZ: I’d like to get a stone from the castle grounds, if possible.
KARLON: Perhaps a stone from just inside the godswood.
ARAN: The plan is to be back in a couple of days to train your guys.
KARLON: Yes. That is agreeable. Be on your way then and we will plan the remainder upon your return.
DORLECK: My Lord, I’d like to request that I stay here to begin our research. Do you object?
KARLON: Not if they don’t.
None of them do.
KARLON: Come this way.
They exit the courtyard towards the stable when Karlon calls out to them.
KARLON: And don’t forget. Winter is here. Stay safe.
The party gathers their mounts and leaves the castle by the Hunter’s Gate. An offshoot of the main road heads west into the forest. This is the path Farron leads them down. After several hours and multiple branches, the road is not really a road anymore.
A while later, they come upon a broken-down wagon with no one around. No horses, and No people. It’s not a surprise that the wheels gave way, given the terrain, but it is strange that someone would even take a wagon this far into the woods. On closer inspection, it seems to have been here for weeks at least. Perhaps months.
The wagon is closed and the back door locked with an iron padlock.
Aran smashes the lock with his guandao a couple of times until it breaks open. He opens the door a bit and the doors fling open, knocking him back a few feet!
A corporeal wight lunges toward Aran.
Aran grapples the wight. He turns it towards the rest of the group while trying to keep it from biting him. Qarzdaq smashes it with a Fire Bolt and it bursts into flames. Aran tosses the creature towards the wagon. The skeleton falls motionless as the bones themselves burn. Aran stows his guandao and draws his dragonglass glaive.
FARRON: What’s that?
ARAN: It’s got a dragonglass blade on it. From our visions, this is supposed to work well on these kinds of wights.
FARRON: Where’d you pick that up?
ARAN: We got it from a dragon if you can believe that.
FARRON: That’s some story!
ARAN: We’re very worldly. It wasn’t the same dragon that killed the other guy.
FARRON: Yeah, actually, can we talk about that for a second? I wasn’t going to say anything back in front of Karlon, but…
ARAN: I’ll tell you something. That guy was an asshole, but he apparently had friends in high places.
FARRON: Maybe true, but there was no dragon involved in his… disappearance… right?
QARZ: Well… My friend Qhortho here has dragonscale armor…
Qhortho puffs his chest out.
FARRON: I see. So am I to presume Qhortho here was involved in this disappearance?
ARAN: All I’ll say is that he got what he deserved. He had friends in high places that we were not aware of at the time.
FARRON: Yeah, well I guess that’s how it goes. You never know who you’re going to run into, huh?
ARAN: Yeah. But that’s also what happens when someone turns against us. So keep that in mind.
FARRON: Well, hey. The same could be said for anyone with far-reaching tentacles through society or roots of their own…
ARAN: I’ll tell you what. We’re pretty simple. We’ll do what we say we’re going to do and we’re not going to screw anybody over, but not everybody follows that rule. And that’s all there is to it.
FARRON: Alright. We can leave it at that.
Digging Up Roots
They continue into the woods with Rolan leading the way by Farron’s direction. They eventually arrive in a fairly dense wooded area.
FARRON: Ok, we’re getting close. It’s around here somewhere. Artair! You out here? Draven? Duncann? Come on out, it’s Farron! Lucian? You here?
He laughs to himself, slightly embarrassed.
FARRON: They might be in another area, perhaps.
He becomes a little more animated and is looking behind trees as if they are just going to pop out. This goes on for a good 15 minutes. The Assembly is growing bored and their confidence in him is beginning to wane. What if he brought them out here for some nefarious purpose?
ARAN: Are you sure you’re not lost?
FARRON: Heh. No, I… I mean… I don’t think so… Maybe they’re just a little further in.
QHOR: Don’t waste our time here…
FARRON: No, I’m not wasting our time, I mean your time. Or my time. All of our time is useful. Come on now.
He calls out again.
FARRON: I’ve got an interesting adventure for you, but if you don’t want it…
He pauses, expecting that to be the last straw for them to make their appearance.
Suddenly a Child of the Forest, 2 greenseer-types, and a human appear out of thin air.
FARRON: Ah yes. There you are. Good, good. I was telling my friends here that my little roots are able to gather all sorts of information and have we got a grand and epic quest for you! But all in good time. Let us rest together and we can discuss.
They make camp and get to know each other. Qarzdaq tells them that their mission is two-fold. One part is to find towns and clans that could use the help of epic adventurers, but only if they appear to have some sort of unique resource or a good fighting force. The other part is to find sources of power that have red lightning on the ethereal plane. If they cannot view the ethereal plane, they might need to get some potions or other help – or they can scout locations that are clearly driven by hags or undead.
Farron is scribbling the information down on a scroll of vellum as quickly as he can.
Qarzdaq adds that the information gathering is useless unless they can get the information itself back to Winterfell. It is imperative that they remain alive to tell the Assembly what they’ve learned back in Winterfell. And they should do so as quickly as possible or they will be presumed dead.
The Roots ask what their payment would be for such a task and are told they would be aiding all of those that value life.
FARRON: What these men say is true my Little Roots. Winterfell says Winter is already upon us. And we’ve seen what this Winter is bringing. This is reminiscent of the stories about the Long Night. Anything you find along the way will be yours to keep and you would be welcome to help in the final battles for life itself.
The Roots look a little dumbstruck.
FARRON: This is no joke and it is far more important than any other tasks I’ve set you out on before. And don’t worry. If you require more by the end of all this, I will make you whole.
Aran asks what else might they want or need. They tell him that better weaponry or other gear could be useful, but they have little use for coin on its own.
Qarzdaq offers up his dragonglass dagger.
QARZ: This will aid you if you come across any of the undead. It works wonders against them with barely a scratch. Just don’t use it on anything else because it may shatter.
QHOR: Qarzdaq. Give me the spear.
Qarzdaq gives the spear to Qhortho.
QHOR: It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this, Duncann.
Qhortho explains how to use it and hands over 3 of the plungers filled with purple worm poison but without the storage sash. Rolan reminds them that each plunger contains 2 doses.
DUNC: This should do us nicely. Thank you. Now we really know you’re serious.
The Little Roots agree to take on the tasks and the Assembly head back towards Winterfell.
Giant Pains
Artair, Draven, Duncann, and Lucian discuss their plans for gathering information and since the Assembly talked about having to go north, they decide they should head north of the Wolfswood into the Northern Mountains.
Until they are outside the forest, they are traveling 3 times faster than the typical person because of their ability to transport themselves when in the presence of living trees, in the same way Faryn could. It’s over short distances, but this capability adds up quickly. They only need one rest overnight before they are in the mountains.
Stepping out of the forest, they suddenly feel slowed. They’d been traveling so fast for so long that moving at a more typical speed is somewhat frustrating. Pressing on, they climb up and down several shallow slopes before climbing up a ridge to get a better view. Before they reach the top, they hear creatures grunting and arguing in an uncommon tongue. Giants.
They get behind a boulder at the ridge and peeking around the side. They see 3 Hill Giants fighting with one another. They are completely unnoticed and so they watch the situation play out. There seems to be some scraps of food in dispute. One of them arms himself with a large animal bone and smashes another over the head with it. The response is to charge the aggressor, knocking him to the ground. The third is watching with a perverse enjoyment.
If the Roots are to attack or pass, they know that now is the time to act.
Sneaking away is the better option; there’s no reason to fight them. Artair casts Pas Without Trace to help his noisier comrades. Unfortunately, one of them, we don’t need to say who…. slips on a rock and gets the Giants’ attention. They come stomping over, and quickly act.
Artair makes himself and Lucian invisible and quietly walk away to avoid being accidentally stumbled into.
Duncann shape shifts into a squirrel and runs out from behind the rock. Two of the Giants see the squirrel and chuckle to themselves, letting down their guard. The third is a little more curious.
Draven presses his back against the boulder to remain out of sight.
Now that Artair and Lucian are far enough away as to not be caught, they dash as fast as they can away from the situation, expecting their friends to be just behind them.
Duncann decides that even as a squirrel, he does not want any part of the situation that might unfold with him becoming a plaything, and dashes away as fast as his little squirrel legs will carry him, which it turns out is quite fast!
The 2 non-curious Giants turn away and start walking to where they’d been fighting earlier.
Hearing them turning back, Draven takes this as his opportunity to make a break for it. He dashes in the same direction as Duncann.
The third Giant is startled by Draven’s presence for a moment then start to run after him. He’s still dozens of feet away from Draven, but Draven knows he’s got to keep that lead or he might as well just turn around and fight now.
The other Giants turn to see their brother running away from them, towards where the squirrel was. They don’t necessarily think anything of it though. Maybe he’s just trying to have a bit of fun.
Artair passes a pair of boulders and gets an idea. He ducks behind one of them and fastens his rope to the boulder, keeping the rope in hand to maintain its invisibility. His intention is to let his friends pass, then tie it to the other boulder to trip the Giant.
Duncann, Draven, and Lucian all dash straight through the pair of boulders.
The chasing Giant is now running very fast after Draven.
Just as his friends pass the boulders, Lucian runs across the gap and fastens the other end of his rope creating a taut tripwire.
Seeing that their brother is now running very fast, their curiosity is piqued. They begin to follow after to see what has captured his attention.
Duncann continues to run. Draven slows his run and transforms into a bear. He turns to face the approaching Giant. Noticing this, Lucian stops and prepares to face the Giant as well.
The Giant continue to chase this person-now-bear and trips over the rope placed by Artair. He flies through the air, striking the ground hard and skidding to a stop on his face. He looks back to see the rope stretched across the gap between the boulders, not knowing where that came from. He looks to the bear only 20 feet from him, and has the urge to destroy it.
Lucian sees the Giant’s intentions plainly and strikes first. He becomes visible again just as a Guiding Bolt is launched directly at the Giant’s stupid, ugly face.
Artair jumps out from behind the boulder, as his fingernails grow with Primal Savagery. He swipes his nails across the Giant’s face, lacerating his face and filling the wounds with a corrosive residue. The Giant calls out in pain.
His brothers pick up their pace, their booming steps getting louder with each moment. Artair Misty Steps away from the situation, reappearing behind the boulder where Lucian is hiding.
Duncann continues to run.
The other 2 Giants approach their injured brother and notice the rope across the boulders. They each look around their side of the boulders holding the rope. Searching the horizon, the only thing they see is a bear.
When the bear, Draven, sees the other 2 Giants, he runs after the squirrel, Duncann, now in the far distance.
Lucian transforms into a panther and runs after the bear.
The fallen Giant gets up and runs after the panther, looking to either side for potential traps. He notices Artair and tries to smash his face with a rock. The Giant is a little dizzy from his fall and the acid on his face and instead smacks the boulder next to Lucian. Lucian turns inviable and runs after the panther.
The 2 Giants by the rope meet back in the middle to look at it more closely. One tries to stand on it and falls over. The other tries pulling on it and breaks it, falling on his ass. The confused Giant walks back towards his brothers. He laughs at the sight of one on his back and the other sitting with a frayed rope in hand.
The brothers get angry and begin to wrestle.
The squirrel stops and turns around to see a panther chasing a bear chasing him. He jumps in the air with his little squirrel legs and quickly realizes these are his friends. He starts to look around for a nut.
And that is how the Roots evaded 3 Giants.
They rest for the night near an outcropping of rocks forming a decent natural shelter.
The next morning, they continue their travel to the north.
The Enemy of My Enemy
After a whole week’s travel, entirely unimpeded, they hear a scuffle ahead.
They take their time to get a good perspective on the situation to find a Stone Giant fighting with a Giant Hound or something of the sort. But the Hound is not alone… It seems to be aided by several Giant Fleas? Is everything giant around these parts?? A cave behind is behind the hound, but it is unclear if that is the hound’s home or the giant’s… or neither…
The lightly overcast day has kept them from warming up and that cave looks like it would be a good shelter for the night, as long as it’s not occupied.
The Hound and the Fleas are biting the Giant, while the Giant alternates between striking the Hound and batting away the Fleas. A few of the Fleas are already dead, lying on the ground around him. This battle seems like it’s been going on for quite some time.
Lucian’s body begins to glow; his joints glimmer like stars, and glowing lines connect them as on a star chart. He sheds bright light all around him. A constellation of an archer appears on his chest.
He casts Guiding Bolt at the Hound. His attention wavers from the Stone Giant for a moment and it lets out a screech that rattles everyone to their cores. Draven is the most impacted and plans to keep out of the Hound’s sight.
Duncann calls forth a storm cloud from the clouds above and channels a bolt of lightning that strikes the Hound and a few nearby Fleas.
Draven circles around to maintain his distance.
The Hound clearly finds the threat in front of him more important than the threats afar. It bites the Giant, removing a chunk of thick skin that it spits on the ground. The Giant stops moving entirely. He is paralyzed.
The Fleas pounce on him all at once, tearing small pits in the Giant’s skin. The Giant suddenly shakes them off.
Lucian raises his hands and a silvery beam of pale light, easily 40 feet high, shines down on a few of the Fleas. He runs forward about 15 feet and hurls a luminous arrow at the Hound. When the arrow strikes the Hound it bursts with bright light.
The Hound instinctively bites the Giant and latches on.
Artair runs up alongside Lucian and creates a long, vine-like whip covered in thorns out of thin air. He lashes it at the Hound, piercing its thick hide. He snaps the whip back, forcing the Hound to release the Giant and dragging the Hound several feet towards him. The thorn whip disappears.
Duncann blasts the Hound and Fleas with another lightning bolt from the sky. The Hound and 2 of the Fleas burst with the sudden spike of electricity.
Draven turns into a bear and runs towards the Fleas as they attack the Giant repeatedly. The Giant bashes one of the Fleas with his greatclub.
Lucian shifts his Moonbeam to cover 2 of the Fleas attacking the Giant. One of the Fleas bursts into white flames and falls onto its back, twitching until the flames subside. Lucian gets a little closer and slams the other with a luminous arrow. As the arrow pierces the Flea, it bursts with white light.
Artair slowly approaches the Giant, arms out and down, signaling that he means no harm. The Giant is understandably on edge right now as he looks around for other threats. Artair stops his advance and sends out healing energy. Some of the Giant’s wounds close. The Giant is confused but does not advance. To make it even more apparent that he means no harm, Artair takes a few steps backward.
Duncann cautiously walks towards the Giant to stand by Artair. Draven the bear sits quietly.
The Giant takes in the situation. He holds his club out towards them, maintaining his distance from them, and steps backward a few feet.
The Roots all gather around the bear except for Duncann, who approaches the Giant with hands open. He says in the Children’s Tongue, “Peace. We mean you no harm. Please lower your weapon.”
The Giant is utterly confused by the entire scenario. He steps backward from Duncann and attempts to move closer to the cave, ensuring he stays outside striking distance of the bear. However, the cave is unintentionally blocked by the rest of the Roots, so there is only so much progress the Giant can make.
The Roots give him plenty of clearance and he proceeds to enter the cave, constantly looking over his shoulder at the Roots. He gets more and more agitated as he rifles through the items strewn about the cave.
ARTAIR: We should get out of here guys.
They all agree. They begin walking the way they came. They are stopped in their tracks by the ruckus caused by the Giant in the cave. They turn to see him bashing the ground with his club, causing items to fly around and ricochet against the walls.
After about a minute, he gives up his anger and leaves the cave, disappearing around the rocky base of a nearby hill.
ARTAIR: I’m going to make myself invisible and check out the cave. If I whistle, all is clear.
He enters the cave and finds a 10-foot length of chain, 1 now-smashed empty barrel and its lid, 1 vial of a very distinctively-green substance, a few tiny tarts, thieves’ tools, a very small handful of ball bearings, and 2 caltrops.
Artair grabs the thieves’ tools and the vial then heads back to the group.
ARTAIR: Not much there. A broken barrel and chain. Some candies. Seems like someone escaped who was being held prisoner.
And that is how the Roots saved a Stone Giant from a Giant Hound and its Giant Fleas.
We end this session on Day 666 with the Roots having earned 1,500 XP each, and the Assembly having earned 1,000 XP each. They will be continuing north, hoping to find something that might tell them they are on the right track, but without a means to see into the Ethereal Plane, it feels like they are looking for a needle in a hay stack.