It is first light on Day 897. The Assembly has just awoken to the sounds of people moving some material around, but it is still mostly quiet.
The night prior, the support tower was found to provide a place to rest without disturbing the rest of the men. This morning, now that they can see it more clearly, they find that the men have made significant progress on the tower. This means… Yes! This means the brewery must be built!
Ok sure, the rest of the main keep’s buildings must also be completed if they started on the tower, but… the brewery! The gods do exist.
Myke told them the first batch should be ready in 33 more days.
- Delivered the message from the Lord Commander to Myke.
- Found out it was ordering Myke back to the Nightfort to take an oath for being the official commander of Greyguard.
- Myke requested more staff from the Lord Commander.
- We got a compass from the rangers!
- Myke took the oath, and we drank. A lot.
- We went back to Greyguard then back tot he far north where we left off outside that wildling camp between the mountain ranges.
- We fought a bunch of ghosts and revenants.
- One of the ghosts possessed me, but that wasn’t the worst part… I WAS FUCKING CAGED! BY MY OWN PEOPLE!
- Oh and Aran almost died… Twice.
- Qarzdaq jumped back to Greyguard for reinforcements.
- 7 men of the Night’s Watch joined the battle and we were finally victorious!
- I didn’t see any of this after I was possessed and caged, but I heard every second of it.
- When the cage was removed, they held me down and Qarzdaq exorcised the ghost out of me… That wasn’t so fun, but at least I was free. Tired… but free…
- Started at our castle.
- Took Myke to get oath.
- Fight vs. ghosts, revenants, and wights. One of them was using an Ioun Stone.
- Fireball from Farron
- I almost died! Twice. Because I was paralyzed! Twice.
- The others somehow managed to teleport to Greyguard and get help.
- Killed all of the ethereal beings and grabbed the Ioun Stone, .
- Found a cave but we heard something inside. The problem is that we all need rest right now…
- I’m too old for this shit. I didn’t start this day being too old for this shit, but I am now… I freed that spirit from Qhortho by the power of the Lord of Light. Many of our allies fled in fear. A few stuck around but were aged 20 years in a moment. But me… I was graced with 30 years… I am now 52… Fuck… fuck…
They head towards the mountains and find a cave. They step inside and immediately hear voices, in a language they do not know.
The entire course of events occurs over only 3 days. Over that time, they traveled farther to the north and east, following the mountain lines to get to the other side. They also managed to gain some life lessons… and 5,500 XP each.