As the group prepares to head to Starfall, a group of riders are passing by. After some conversation, you learn they are the Gang of Solutionists on some mission from High Hermitage at the request of Vorian Dayne, the Lord of Starfall.
The Solutionists, led by Andran Upcliff, carries with them a note that he would not share with the travelers he’d just met.
The note reads:
Ser Payret Dayne, Lord Knight of High Hermitage,
I, Vorian Dayne, Sword of the Morning, Lord of Starfall, Site of the Fallen Star, and Keeper of the Star Forge respectfully request aid with a matter of utmost importance. I duly request your Gang of Solutionists be dispatched to Starfall at once for a task that is evading our currently available resources.
Many thanks for your hasty accordance.
After some traveling, they come to a pass where they can see a pristinely white castle atop a mountain-like island in the middle of the rushing waters of the Torantine. A single stone bridge leads out from the island to the road on which the group is traveling. The bridge is guarded by three gatehouses, all of which have drawbridges raised making the bridge look more like towers with incomplete bridge segments. The waters around the island are treacherous and not suitable for any large vessels. The only options for getting to the castle are to cross this bridge or to swim to the rocky shore and attempt climbing the mountainside with battlements above.
This is Starfall.
Upon reaching the entryway, Andran rings a bell and all of the drawbridges are lowered. Everyone makes teir way into the castle-city and then to the inner keep where they meet with Vorian Dayne, a no-nonsense sort of man, who accepts the Assembly as allies of the Solutionists, but not as part of his own inner circle. Qhortho manages to get thrown out almost during the introductions. Vorian sends the Assembly away to speak with Adran and the Solitionists alone.
They make their way to the tavern and have a few drinks with a local guard whose shared thoughts are directly proportional to the booze consumed. The guard yields some information about the sentiment of the area – and the “solid alliance” led by Yronwood, may not actually be so solid amongst the people.
Andran shows back up and escorts the group to the castle, where another trating with Vorian is had.
Qhortho is thrown out after some choice words.
After learning very little more, except that the Assembly will be Plan B, the group and Andran head to a tower in the castle to speak privately.
Andran is able to decipher that the group comes from The Sandship and much is learned of the politics of the region – mostly that Starfall and High Hermitage are the most likely to be amenable to a Martell uprising.
Andran also shares that he does not believe the Solutionists are the right group for this particular job for Vorian and fears that he and his crew may meet a regrettable fate. Vorian is not a man to change his plans drastically once it’s been decided, so having him change his mind is not really an option at this point.
Andran suggests visiting Vorian again in the morning, after his Gang have started their mission.
That night…
- Shadow loots some houses
- Qhortho wins a boxing match
- Burton steals some money from a candy shop
- Qhortho tells the story of R’hllor via demonstration using the power of R’hllor
- Tholannan makes up a game of chance, which he gets some local guards to participate
Each person gets 450XP
The next morning, the group meets with Vorian as requested. Vorian says that Andran was quite taken with them and that he would like the group to help the Solutionists.Lord Vorian tells of stolen Dawn and that the thief must have gone throuhg the prisons of Starfall beneath the castle.Qhortho says that it was obvious that the sword had been stolen and, with a few more choice words, manages to infuriate the Sword of the Morning. Vorian calls his guards to cuff him, Qhortho draws his sword.
A few blade swipes later, Tholannan was successfully able to Command Qhortho to yield, and Qhortho was escorted outside.Lord Vorian, displeased with these events, tells them to check back with him tomorrow after Andran has had more time.
The next morning, Vorian grants the group access to the prisons. He says that there are three floors to the prisons:
- The first floor down is still being used and contains some prisoners and some guards.
- The second floor down is locked and a guard will allow passage. The layout of the second floor is the same as the first.
- The third floor is a cavern system that has one other exit to the rushing Torantine.
He urges the group to explore the first floor so they know what to expect on the second floor.
The group follows this advice and eventually makes their way to the second floor. Though a mirror image of the first floor, the second floor is starkly different fromt he first floor in environment. They descend the stairs into dank, dark, and cool air with a spooky mist covering the floor.
Burton blows lightly into the mist and it disperses slightly then reconverges on itself.
Over the next few seconds, something comes over each member of the group and they all split up – each having a unique experience, but all realizing they cannot trust what they see. They call out to each other to meet back at the staircase where they entered. Upon reconvening, they quickly share their startling stories, with varying level of detail.
Moments later, all at once, the dark sconces along the outer walls and along each hallway, burst into flames, lighting the previously dark prison…
This session, each member gained 450XP, bringing the grand total to 5185XP.