The story picks up with a fissure within the group: Burton is on the road out of town; Qhortho is still in his room; Shadowsilver, Qarzdaq, and Tholannan are left in the dining room of Phoenix Pyre by Aeramion Gonlaeron, the mage dressed in the long red overcoat, and the guards he brought with him.
Aftermath & Consequences
Tholannan’s head whips back towards Shadowsilver.
THOL: Is there any truth to these accusations?
SHADOW: There’s a little more to the story, I guess you could say… Burton and I got out of there, but that guy tried to kill us last night so our attack was justified. I don’t know how he found us this morning though. It seems to me that there’s a deal to be worked out with him. He made it sound like he would let this slide if we did something for him. Giving him the ship is out of the question.
QARZDAQ: We need to make amends and we need for this not to happen… again…
SHADOW: I am who I am…
THOL: Not as stealthy as you would have led us to believe.
QARZDAQ: What you do on your own time is ‘your business,’ but when it interferes with the rest of the group’s business, then it becomes ‘our business.’
Shadowsilver rolls her eyes hard.
SHADOW: Alright, whatever. I’ll take care of it. I wouldn’t worry about that.
THOL: We can help you out. We need to smooth this over and make sure we’re in alignment.
SHADOW: I think the first thing we should do is take care of the shopping before our noon meeting with Burton at the Red Temple.
Shadow retrieves Qhortho from his room. They continue breakfast and discuss Qhortho’s boxing match, and Tholannan’s “management” of the betting system from the previous night.
THOL: I’m not saying Qhortho wears pink panties, but everyone in the crowd seemed to think so.
Shadowsilver takes this time to state that she wasn’t the only one getting into trouble. Qhortho takes mild offense, “I won fair and square.”
As they ready themselves to leave Phoenix Pyre, the main entry door opens.
A man of about 5′ 3″ with full, slicked back hair and a meaty nose walks in wearing a black leather cloak. The man grins ear-to-ear and is closely followed by two large body guards.
MAN: Ho!
He looks at Qhortho then Tholannan, then shoots cursory glances at Qarzdaq and Shadowsilver. Focusing back on Qhortho and Tholannan…
MAN: Look who’s hea… Fellas… How ya doin? Youse have some fun last night?
QHORTHO: I’d say I did! It’s a fun town!
MAN: Yeah. Yeah. Word on the street is ya had some fun… and happened to disrespect me in my place uh bizness. Now I’m shua you didn’t mean any of dat so dat’s why I’m gonna give ya a break. I’m gonna go easy on yuz. Ten points on what you made out wit. By my count, dat’s a little ova tree hundred glintz, but let’s call it tree hundred just to have a nice round numba.
QHORTHO: I didn’t catch your name, friend.
MAN: The name’s Vitoryn.
QHORTHO: Well, my name is Kahakka Qhortho, son of Khal Zhavorso, the Dragon Khal. I come from the Great Grass Sea. I have come to do two things: kick ass and smoke grass. And I don’t have no grass. So if you want your money back, that’s tough shit! If you want to make your money back the honest way, place a wager on my next fight!
VITORYN: Look. You made quite the getaway… quick and quiet. Respectable. But I still want my ten points.
THOL: What is this disrespect you speak of? He won fair and square. What is the implication here exactly?
Vitoryn’s grin vanishes and is replaced by a growing scowl.
VITORYN: Well, you show up at my ting, rig it to suit you, and you tink I’m not gonna get mine? Da fuck is wrong wit you?
QHORTHO: What’d I rig??
VITORYN: Listen. You get to da weah-house a little afta noon and we’ll settle dis up deah – but I want you deah befaw dawk. Got it?!
Vitoryn scoffs and rubs his chin and cheeks with one hand. He goes back to grinning.
THOL: Pardon my friend and his hot temper. I am his agent. Perhaps we can make an alternative arrangement. You saw how profitable it was and the crowd he drew to your establishment.
QHORTHO: I’ll make you a lot more than 300.
THOL: Maybe we can drum this up.
VITORYN: I made money on yaw little stunt anyway – if duh otha guy had won with doze odds, I woulda lost money on dat. But da fact is dat you came into my place uh bizness.
QHORTHO: So you made money on this — and I paid the entry fee to get in.
THOL: We did not know.
VITORYN: Exactly. Which is why I’m letting ya go wit a nice and easy ten points.
THOL: Why don’t we give you a cut of the next fight and you help us make it even bigger.
VIRTORYN: Yaw gonna give me a cut of yaw LAST fight.
QHORTHO: Says who?
VITORYN: Says me.
QHORTHO: And if I don’t?
THOL: I don’t think that was in the contract.
VITORYN: Let’s call this convuhsashun closed at dat, den… I’ll see youse at the weah-house.
He walks away as Qhortho continues to talk about his entry fee. The body guards look the group over, then follow behind Vitoryn.
Qhortho complains that he wasn’t even done talking yet. Shadowsilver points out that she thought it best that she not say anything. Probably a good idea.
Shopping Time
The group decides to go shopping – they cross the wooden bridge together, but Shadowsilver breaks off from the group to take another way to the Thieves’ Market… one that DOESN’T lead her directly past Boland’s Bling. The rest of the group walks down the main street of shops together, except for Burton of course, who is still making his way out of town.
Along the left side of the street:
- The Sweet Teat
- Bedder’s Cheddars
- Hand and Barrel
- The Whimsical Bard
- Wyrmlings & Wyrmlings
On the right side of the street:
- Brown Parcels Company
- Kevan’s Chems
- Trader Jye’s
- Raging Pwner
- Juggling Muggle
- Boland’s Bling
Boland’s Bling
They decide jewelry is in order, so they go to Boland’s Bling first. Qhortho, like a child wanting to visit a toy store but must be dragged through department stores first, begrudgingly goes along – hoping they can visit the weapons shop soon.
They enter a nicely stocked jewelry shop and are greeted by an average-height man, with short gray hair, a thin beard, blue eyes, red expensive-looking suit. They walk past a guard by the entrance – Qarzdaq takes note that something is not quite right with his uniform.
THOL: Good day to you sir.
BOLAND: Good day to you.
THOL: I notice you have a fine assortment of…
BOLAND: Fine assortment? We have the BEST assortment!
THOL: That’s what I meant good sir! There are a few things I need in fact. Maybe you could cut me a bit of a deal if we purchase in bulk?
BOLAND: Sure, if you purchase in bulk, I am certainly willing to deal. I welcome you to look around. I have all the gemstones of every quality, and every manner of art object you could ever wish to own.
THOL: What do you have in the way of rings? Specifically made of platinum – worth approximately 50gp each.
BOLAND: I just so happen to have a few of those. Would you like me to hold these for you while you browse the rest of the shop?
THOL: Yes, please. Perhaps you might engrave them for me? I’d like to have half of a heart on the inside of each band.
BOLAND: Certainly. And if you buy at least one more item, I will do the engraving for free.
THOL: What types of diamonds do you have?
BOLAND: We have quite a number of them, ranging from the small and lower quality to the large and perfect quality. I have this large one back here next to the black sapphire for 5000gp.
THOL: Ah, that’s quite a nice gem – I am looking for something closer to about 300gp.
Boland’s arrogance shines through a bit.
BOLAND: Ok, ok. That’s fine.
Tholannan asks about a particular gem that should be worth about 300gp. Boland tells him it will be 500gp.
THOL: I don’t know… I’ve seen bigger diamonds in my travels and…
BOLAND: And they’d be worth more.
THOL: It’s a little yellow too, so I don’t know about 500gp.
BOLAND: It’s that piss-colored stone – well sought after.
Tholannan attempts to reason with the man, which fails horribly, with Boland silently questioning how this man has any gold at all. Boland insists on 500gp for the gem. Tholannan asks about any other diamonds closer to 300gp. He finds 6 gems that should be worth about 50gp each. Boland offers them for 65gp each. After some talking, Boland offers them for 55gp each because he’s buying 6 of them. Tholannan still says this is a bit much and expresses that this is not the sort of “dealing” he was hoping for when he said he’d buy in bulk. They settle on 50gp each for the 6 diamonds.
Qarzdaq asks Boland if he is in the market to buy some of his gems and to buy a chain in the process to attach to his Amulet. He offers a piece of malachite, a diamond, and a solid gold bracelet. He thinks to himself about getting a rubied-out grill, but decides this may call too much attention.
Qarzdaq asks about whether the chain could be made of Valyrian Steel, to which Boland replies that he does not have any Valyrian materials in the shop. Qarzdaq says gold would be fine then. Boland asks some measurement details and to see what is going to be attached to the chain so he could determine how much weight the chain is expected to hold. Qarzdaq, although not expecting actually show it, pats himself down for the Amulet reflectively and does not feel it and tells Boland that it would only need to hold a few ounces.
They agree to trade the gems for 40gp and the chain.
Before they leave the shop, Qarzdaq secretly Messsages Tholannan.
QARZDAQ: I think Shadow stole my Amulet.
THOL: Wait… What?
QARZDAQ: I think Shadow stole my Amulet.
THOL: Why aren’t you wearing the Amulet?
QARZDAQ: I was wearing the Amulet.
THOL: Did you take it off?
QARZDAQ: I honestly don’t remember, but I would have kept it on me.
THOL: How drunk did you get last night?
QARZDAQ: Pretty drunk… You saw the fire water we drank…
THOL: Do you want me to locate it?
QARZDAQ: We can talk outside the shop.
THOL: I can locate an object within 1000′ if needed.
Qhortho is waiting like a husband might wait for his wife in a women’s clothing store.
Burton, still in disguise, approaches the outskirts of town. He passes a tack shop by the name of Sir Winston’s Champ and some large stables as he continues along the Roseroad out of town.
Shadowsilver arrives at the Thieves’ Market. She approaches the door and no one is there to greet her. She bangs on the door and no one responds. She thinks to herself that they probably open around dark and heads towards Kevan’s Chems to meet up with the group.
Trader Jye’s
Qarzdaq, Qhortho, and Tholannan leave the gem shop for Trader Jye’s.
The first sight upon entering is a large man resembling Paul Bunyan. “Welcome friends… What can I do for you?”
THOL: I am looking for a dark-colored fine cloak. Something very loose-fitting.
JYE: I do – I could do the cloak for 5gp, undyed.
Tholannan tries on the cloak and tests casting Cure Wounds on himself to see if it is noticeable to bystanders. He sees that the cloak opens slightly when doing the somatic portion of the casting. Jye offers to extend the cloak a bit to prevent it from opening for a nominal fee.
Tholannan likes that idea and tells him to include some leather inside to make it stick out on all sides a little more and to add a clasp up front.
Jye finds this intriguing and is glad to do this for 1gp extra. Tholannan agrees and is told to come back in about an hour.
QHORTHO: Do you have any leather boots? Something good for riding.
JYE: Absolutely. How does 2gp sound for these very nice-looking supple leather boots?
QHORTHO: Those are a bit fancy, no? Something more rugged would be better for me.
JYE: I can do these other ones – they don’t look as nice, but they are much thicker. They are definitely more function than aesthetic.
QHORTHO: Looks do not matter. Only Function.
Jye says he can do this for 2gp for the pair. Qhortho asks about dying them dark black, and Jye tells him it would be 1gp and he’d throw in the labor at no additional charge.
QHORTHO: What do you have available for riding chaps? I am also looking for some sort of corset-looking leather strappy fuckin Dothraki-looking thing. I don’t know. You probably don’t have anything like that. What might a Dothraki wear from your inventory?
JYE: Uhhmmm… Well… we have these ass-less chaps and thong. It’s a nice set. We also have these leather pants and I can create a set of leather belts and affix a few scabbards to hold your weapons?
Qhortho likes the second idea. Jye tells him he can do everything for 6gp, including the fully-dyed boots.
Qarzdaq asks about fashioning his red cape into a waist sash and whether he has any lightweight red gloves. Jye tells him he can do all of this, including dying the cloth gloves a deep red to match the sash for 16sp. Qarzdaq finds this agreeable and they all leave the shop.
Shadowsilver passes Boland’s Bling and notices they are now fully stocked. She finds this strange, mumbles about the racket going on in this town, then faces forward as to not look too interested. As she does, she sees the others leaving Trader Jye’s and meets up with them.
Missing Amulet, You Say?
QARZDAQ: Did any of you happen to see the Amulet of Lightbriger?
Tholannan plays along.
THOL: Did you lose the Amulet??
QARZDAQ: I certainly didn’t lose it, but it’s not on my person.
THOL: That sounds lost to me…
SHADOW: I have it for safekeeping.
SHADOW: I didn’t want you giving it to the people at the Red Temple, which you said you would do if asked.
QARZDAQ: I would have offered it to them, depending on who’s there. I would certainly like to have it back. No hard feelings.
SHADOW: I will absolutely give it back… as soon as we leave town.
QHORTHO: That sounds reasonable.
QARZDAQ: Nah, I don’t think that sounds reasonable at all.
Tholannan turns to Shadowsilver.
THOL: Did you ask him for it, or did you just take it?
SHADOW: I took it.
THOL: That’s not what friends do my lady…
SHADOW: He said against all of our wishes that he would turn it over.
QARZDAQ: If I promise not to turn it over to the temple, with full knowledge that I will still present it at the Temple, will you let me have it back?
SHADOW: What if they demand it?
QARZDAQ: That would be an interesting case. My allegiance is to the Red Temple in Volantis, not this Temple. My higher-ups are back in Essos so I don’t feel the strong need to obey them in such a case.
SHADOW: It’s absolutely vital that we have this thing in our possession when we reach Tyrone.
QARZDAQ: I think that’s fair.
THOL: Still, it does not bode well for our group if you’re just willing to lift items off of our persons.
SHADOW: No. I think it clearly shows what I was willing to do FOR this group.
QARZDAQ: I won’t hold it against you because you were forthright with me asking you about it.
Shadowsilver confirms with Qarzdaq that he will not turn it over, and she hands it back to him. He quickly fastens it to his gold chain and tucks it under his layered clothes.
Kevan’s Chems
They enter Kevan’s Chems next – Qhortho and Tholannan wait outside. Qarzdaq jokes with Shadowsilver that perhaps they should tie Qhortho up to a fire hydrant or something to be sure he doesn’t wander off.
The first sight they see is the marvelous mustachio on the man behind the counter, followed by his hat – a light tan short top hat with a black band. Light brown hair flicks out from under the brim. Under his thick black eyebrows, green eyes dart around providing a sense that this guy might be a little crazy.
KEVAN: If you’re looking for potions and chems, you’re in the right place!
SHADOW: Are you Kevan?
KEVAN: I am! Have we met my lady?
SHADOW: Nah, it was just a lucky guess. Might you have any poisons?
His voice gets louder.
KEVAN: Hey, hey, hey! We do not sell anything of that kind madam!
Her voice becomes equally loud.
SHADOW: Oh of course not! (Turning to a whisper) Do you have anything that would be more for sleeping? I’ve been having trouble sleeping and I’d like something I can take and instantly fall asleep. Perhaps something that can be ingested.
He looks her over with his crazy eyes and forcefully glances to his left at a man with a hunchback wearing a faded black cloak, browsing a shelf of books. Shadowsilver glances over at him, then back to Kevan.
SHADOW: Ok, so just so I’m clear. What sort of items do you have here for sale?
KEVAN: Oh, we’ve got all sorts of nice healing potions, balms, ointments, really anything that would heal scrapes and bruises.
SHADOW: Ok, great! I’m just going to look around.
She walks over to the hunchbacked man. Qarzdaq follows. As they approach, the man turns around, “jes… no poisons or deadly concoctions here…”
He looks around, and seeing the shop is empty, “walk this way” he produces a small cane from beneath his cloak, limps, dragging his right foot, towards a thick curtain along the back wall. He pushes it aside and leads you into a back room with all sorts of green and red potions. Glass spiraling tubes and bottles of bubbling concoctions are on a desk along the back wall.
SHADOW: I have a few interests. I want a sleeping potion, and some sort of deadly poison that can be ingested by drinking it.
HUNCHBACK: Jes… Well… We have several types of interesting poisons… Do you have a budget in mind?
SHADOW: What do you have?
The hunchbacked man goes through a list of poisons:
- Dornish Scorpion Poison, both regular size and giant (injury)
- Giant Dornish Toad Poison (injury)
- Purple Worm Poison (injury)
- Valyrian Wyvern Poison (injury)
- Assassin’s Blood (ingested)
- Midnight Tears (ingested)
- Pale Tincture (ingested)
- Essence of Ether (inhaled)
He tells Shadowsilver that the Purple Worm Poison is harvested from a gargantuan Purple Worm, which is incredibly difficult to kill and harvest. The inhaled poisons are typically contained in sealed thin glass spheroid flasks and are “administered” by throwing the flask so it breaks near the target.
Shadowsilver negotiates a trade to get 3 Essence of Ether potions and a Pale Tincture for 825gp and her Fire Resist Potion.
Qarzdaq asks indirectly about whether he can get Wildfire. He is warned about the Wildfire’s instability. Qarzdaq second thinks the purchase and decides against it.
Art of the Sword
Shadowsilver and Qarzdaq leave Kevan Chem’s and meet up with Tholannan and Qhortho. They finally head towards the weapons shop, Art of the Sword. Wesson’s Smithy, the smith and armor shop is the armor shop across the street.
Qhortho runs inside and meets the storekeeper, a chubby man with a shaved head and bronze skin. By this man’s complexion and style, it is quite plain that he is from Yunkai. “Welcome. May I interest you in some steel?”
QHORTHO: Fellow easterner.
AYAGIRIK: Hmmm. Yes, Dothraki.
QHORTHO: You see I have traveled far to enter your store this very day.
AYAGIRIK: I have never seen a Dothraki cross the poison water.
QHORTHO: It was an arduous journey, but I fought my way here.
AYAGIRIK: I can only imagine.
QHORTHO: And it is fighting that brings me here today, for I need a better tool, perhaps something you can provide.
AYAGIRIK: No arakh on you?
He unsheathes his weapon and lays it across his own open palms.
QHORTHO: You see this here is Najahaya, this is my father’s arakh that he used to slay a dragon.
Ayagirik picks it up from Qhortho’s palms with permission and inspects it, then places it back upon Qhortho’s hands.
QHORTHO: He carved the bones of that dragon to create the handle you see here.
AYAGIRIK: It is quite nice. And well-used as it should be.
QHORTHO: It has seen much blood.
AYAGIRIK: If you’d like that sharpened up, perhaps I could be of service.
QHORTHO: Perhaps you can silver it as well? Or maybe you have some new item – maybe something made of Valyrian Steel?
AYAGIRIK: I am sorry to say that I do not have anything like that. That type of steel is magical and requires a different skill set than I have to offer. I know of a shop in town that specializes in magical items, though I’ve never been there myself. It is called Doc’s Emporium by the Docks, but I do not know exactly where it is – I do know that it is hidden by magical means.
Not wanting to pay the hefty price of a Grand Master weapon smith, Qhortho hires one of the Advanced apprentices to do the work; Tholannan hires an Advanced apprentice to silver his spear. They are told to come back later in the day to pick up the weapons.
Shadowsilver purchases a quiver of silver arrows and then they all decide it’s time to pick up their clothing from Jye.
Dealing with Consequences
Enroute to Trader Jye’s they discuss how to handle Vitoryn.
SHADOW: We talk to this guy and tell him that Qhortho is going to win. When he puts all his money on Qhortho, we put ours against him and have Qhortho lose.
QHORTHO: You expect me to take a dive?
SHADOW: I’m just saying we can probably make out better.
QHORTHO: I would never do that…
SHADOW: We may be able to make 10,000 gold!
QHORTHO: Maybe, but honor in battle is worth more than any amount of gold!
SHADOW: I just want to screw that guy over again.
THOL: I think there’s a lot more money to be made in another one of these big fights.
QARZDAQ: We have got be able to live in this town…
SHADOW: We’re about to leave this shit hole.
THOL: We can make friends with these guys and have them help us game the system.
SHADOW: But if he keeps winning, we’re not going to be able to keep making money on it. We can make so much more on rigging upsets.
QARZDAQ: I think it would suit us better to not be in this guy’s poor graces…
THOL: We should put a callout – the greatest fighter in the land, come meet your match! That was just some random fight… there has to be somewhere out there that wants to get a piece of Qhortho.
They enter Trader Jye’s and pick up their gear. Upon exiting, they see a few people coming towards them down the center of Main Street.
The man up front, they recognize… it is the Mage in the long red wool overcoat. He leads two other men in long overcoats and one man that looks very well-armed and not as “simple” as the City Watchmen. He is armed with 2 short swords in scabbards on either side, and a long bow on his back.
The Assembly stands in the street as the men approach. They are not hurried, nor menacing; they simply walk up and stop when they get within five feet. The other 3 men fan out behind him to form a line with the known Mage slightly closer than the others.
MAGE: I told you I would be back with an offer… a way out of your mess…
Shadowsilver interrupts him.
SHADOW: That’s a nice cape by the way. You look fabulous.
MAGE: Uhhmmm… thank you. We have not formally been introduced. My name is Aeramion. (He motions to the man on his left, wearing a black overcoat) This is Talaerion.
Now Qhortho interrupts him.
QHORTHO: I am Khalakka Qhortho!
Aeramion glares at the Dothraki and speaks over him.
AERAMION: (He motions to the man on his right, wearing a black overcoat) This is Gahaelarys. (He motions to the well-armed man) This is Ornogrim.
Qhortho, not having felt his name was given the respect he refuses to give anyone else:
QHORTHO: I am Khalakka Qhortho! Son of Khal Zhavorso, the Dragon Khal of the Great Grass Sea.
AERAMION: I don’t think I’ve seen you before.
QHOTHO: I have no idea who any of you are. Why have you stopped us?
SHADOW: Just hang tight Qhortho. We told you a little bit about this.
They each introduce themselves to the Mage’s group.
Aeramion tells the group that they should go to a local tavern to discuss the arrangement. They enter the very busy Swaggering Spider. As you all enter, led by Aeramion, people seem to hush slightly, but continue about their business. Not fear as much as notoriety and respect. He leads the group to the back of the tavern, where a group of people are at a table. Seeing you all coming, they get up without being asked and move out of the way. Aeramion thanks the patrons as they do so. Everyone sits down at this, now empty, table.
He then begins to lay out the options: give up the ship with all of its current armaments…
AERAMION: You can give up your ship with all of its current armaments…
The Assembly protests this at once.
AERAMION: Or… I have another option. First, let me talk to you a bit about fanaticism. You see, fanaticism is a dangerous force. People who seek to gain power will sometimes harness those most susceptible to the call of zealots. This is dangerous for anyone who currently wields power – the status quo. In our case, the Faith of the Seven has accumulated a few zealots that are just beginning to organize. They don’t wield any real power yet, but it is plain to see where this is going. They call themselves Sparrows, led by the High Sparrow. This is dangerous for House Hightower, it is dangerous for The Citadel, it is dangerous for the Mage’s Guild.
QARZDAQ: What about the Red Temple?
AERAMION: The Red Temple does not wield real power here, so they are not directly at risk. I seek a way to drive them out of town. However, this must be done without violence. That is critical. We cannot be responsible for violence, even indirectly, against innocents and the religious.
SHADOW: How do you recommend we deliver on this goal?
AERAMION: I could never be the one to give you the plan or help you carry it out.
SHADOW: If we get these people away from Oldtown, what’s to stop them from coming back?
AERAMION: You need to find some way of ensuring that they don’t or convincing them they need to be elsewhere.
They continue to ask nuances on how violence may or may not be used. Aeramion responds that “they shall not be harmed.”
AERAMION: Taking any violence to meet these ends will nullify this agreement, and you will be tried for violence against innocents. Not doing it effectively, will mean that you (points at Shadowsilver) will be repaying this debt. The ship can still be used as payment. However, if you do this successfully, I will cover the debt to the shop owner and take all of the legal fallout for you.
SHADOW: Did you already buy all of the gems back from the Thieves’ Market? What exactly is your tie-in with the Thieves’ Market?
AERAMION: I was able to recompense the shop with their wares. Yes. I assume you swung by there again… casing the joint?
SHADOW: I walked past.
AERAMION: Yeah. I urge you not to take the same actions you took the last time you ‘walked past.’
SHADOW: Eh… Probably not.
AERAMION: Probably not.
QARZDAQ: How many people are we talking about?
AERAMION: The last I had seen, there were probably 8 or 9, excluding their leader, the High Sparrow.
QARZDAQ: Tell us some more about this High Sparrow.
AERAMION: He claims to be of devout faith, but in my experience, no one that rises to power and takes advantage of the zealous is actually true of heart.
The group begins discussing options such as putting them on a ship, then decides they need more time to discuss how they should handle it.
Ornogrim leans forward, from being silent this entire time.
ORNOGRIM: I can help you on this mission…
Shadowsilver interrupts him.
SHADOW: Great. (turns to Aeramion) Hey I have a question… but I just forgot what it was.
Ornogrim takes it in stride.
ORNOGRIM: I can help you on this mission…
Qhortho now interrupts him.
QHORTHO: Wait wait wait wait… Stop. Ok go ahead.
Ornogrim begins to get annoyed, but starts again.
ORNOGRIM: I can help you on this mission, I want to stretch my legs a bit anyway. I would also like to ensure that no harm comes to our misguided friends of The Seven. If I am able to be there, I can help make sure that is the case. Life is Life after all. I do not have a plan formulated, but I would be very happy to sit with you and come up with one. Perhaps elsewhere – without the mages looking over our shoulders.
Aeramion nods at him.
QARZDAQ: We’d welcome your help sir.
SHADOW: I’ve heard of a place where you can buy magical weapons down near the docks. Do you know it?
The three mages pique up, not knowing where this will lead.
ORNOGRIM: Actually, there has been a number of times that I’ve seen exactly what you’re talking about, having lived here many years, but maybe we should talk about this elsewhere.
Shadowsilver glances over the three mages’ faces and asks if they know about this shop.
AERAMION: Of course we do. What do you expect to get from such a place?
Shadowsilver and Qhortho express interest in browsing the items and weapons. Aeramion offers to make the introduction to Doc, the shop owner, as long as the Assembly will stick to their word on the arrangement. They all agree and go to the area by the docks.
Doc’s Emporium by the Docks
They end up in a weird dead end alley, not far from the main throughway by the docks. As Aeramion walks into the alley, he reaches out at about waist level as if to grab something in midair and he grabs hold of a handle that appears from nowhere. A door quickly sweeps into existence followed by the small shack-like structure attached to it. He opens the door and walks in. Everyone follows.
The shack is bigger on the inside; that is for certain.
A round-faced man with rosy cheeks with long white hair tied up in a bun is behind the counter. Behind him are shelves of scrolls. As they look around, they see various interesting items on the shelves, but there are no duplicate items.
SHOPKEEPER: Welcome, welcome. I am The Doctor. We have all sorts of items to tickle your fancy – if you like your fancy tickled, that is… ha ha ha. Please browse, browse!
QHORTHO: Strange old man. It is Valyrian Steel that I seek. A Greatsword, if you have one.
DOC: Ahh, Valyrian Steel! Valyrian Steel weapons are all held by great Houses across the land. I do have a Valyrian Whetstone.
He shows the group a silvery white, unbelievably smooth, and cool to the touch stone.
DOC: This will only work on non-magical weapons. It will give you a greater chance to hit with each sharpening of one-minute, and the sharpening can be treated as charges. There is a small chance that the whetstone will crack upon usage. If it takes two cracks, it will crumble rendering it useless. Each sharpening makes the weapon more likely to break on usage. For each minute of sharpening, the weapon is 1% more likely to break upon a hit. The Valyrian Whetstone is 2500gp.
They ask about other weapons, but Doc’s Emporium does not carry any traditional weapons per se. He shows them some other items:
- Essence of the Flumph Bog (of Eternal Stench)
- Half-Plate Mithril Armor
- Mithril Chainmail
- Arrows of True and Truer Shot
- Full and Pristine Deck of Illusions
Qarzdaq asks Doc about how they might be able to travel with Wildfire and deploy it more safely. Doc tells them to speak with Jye over at Trader Jye’s to build something to that effect. He can fashion something that uses twine as “springs” to hold a small clay pot of Wildfire inside another larger container that can be attached to a staff. It’s not perfect, but it should be able to be kept cool, if water is inside the primary container, surrounding the clay pot. If another container is used around that to hold sand, it would provide another layer of thermal and contact protection. Qarzdaq thanks him.
They buy the Essence of the Flumph Bog, the Deck of Illusions, 2 quivers of Arrows of Truer Shot, and a few scrolls (Eldritch Blast and Haste). Qarzdaq put up the money for the Essence of the Flumph Bog because he thinks Burton will want it and will pay him back.
They learn that scrolls DO require components, if they are specified, and that all cantrip scrolls are cast as if the caster has no spellcasting experience at all. Scrolls sold in shops will typically have their components attached.
The Red Temple Fiasco
The Red Temple is their next destination.
While on their way, they discuss the mission at hand. They brainstorm sending them on quests, having them killed once outside of town (which Ornogrim does not accept as a solution), and various methods of infiltrating their organization. Before they settle on a strategy, they arrive at the Red Temple.
Burton is not anywhere to be seen, but he should be here shortly.
QARZDAQ: Why don’t you guys wait out here and I’ll just go in and talk to the…
SHADOW: Fuck. No.
QARZDAQ: I gave you my word.
SHADOW: Yeah, that’s not happening.
QARZDAQ: The only one here that nobody trusts, is you.
SHADOW: I don’t believe what you just said at all.
THOL: How about we just all go in together.
QARZDAQ: You are all welcome to join, but please, I don’t want anyone to disturb the sanctity of the Temple.
Shadowsilver attempts to steal the Amulet one last time and fails given the difficulty of getting to it in the first place.
The modest temple is made of a red stone resembling the red rock of Dorne you’ve been traveling through for months. Small fire beacons are at either side of the entrance. Inside, it is several degrees warmer than outside. Many torches line the red walls and chanting can be heard in the echo-inducing chamber. A dais is at the far side of the room.
A few servants of R’hllor are carrying torches up the dais and dropping them into a pit with flames licking out of it every few seconds. Several of the servants of R’hllor gaze into flames.
Followers and Priests are spread throughout the temple, but two stand out from the rest because of their fine vestments. Qarzdaq recognizes the attire as belonging to a High Priest and a Light, a bishop-type role within the faith of R’hllor.
Qarzdaq approaches the High Priest.
QARZDAQ: Hail brother. May R’hllor’s light shine upon you.
HIGH PRIEST: May R’hllor shine on you.
QARZDAQ: I am Qarzdaq of Volantis, passing through this area.
HIGH PRIEST: What brings you to these parts?
QARZDAQ: It’s a long story. I was hoping my friends and I could commune with you in private. I have some news to discuss.
HIGH PRIEST: Sure. Please come to the private chambers. Please, none of the non-followers may join us.
SHADOW: I’m completely faithful. There’s nobody more faithful than me.
HIGH PRIEST: R’hllor’s light does not appear to shine warmth within you.
SHADOW: You can’t be more faithful than me. I’m tremendously faithful.
Ornogrim bows and goes to walk out.
HIGH PRIEST: Friend, all are welcome to remain within the walls of the Temple, just not in the private chambers.
ORNOGRIM: Ah, I see. Thank you.
QARZDAQ: My brother, let me just tell you that my companions and I have fought and one of our members has even fallen in battle. We have traveled far and wide. If R’hllor’s light shines on me, I assure you that it shines on them as well. I humbly request that you allow them audience in the private chambers.
HIGH PRIEST: This is quite unusual, but I will allow it in this one case. Please (he looks across the rest of the group), I ask for silence in the chambers.
SHADOW: It is much appreciated.
QARZDAQ: Friends, I ask that you refrain from speaking without my permission from here on out. We are about to enter the inner sanctum of the Red Temple.
QHORTHO: I will remain respectful.
SHADOW: I have a question: how do I ask your permission if I’m not allowed to speak?
QARZDAQ: You should wait for me to give you permission.
HIGH PRIEST: I thank you Brother Qarzdaq for sharing those instructions.
QARZDAQ: Forgive me Brother. I did not get your name.
HIGH PRIEST: My name is Izkin.
QARZDAQ: It is a pleasure to meet you Borther Izkin. How did you first come upon the light of R’hllor?
IZKIN: I was brought into it at a young age as it looks you were based on your markings.
QARZDAQ: Yes, born a slave at the Red Temple in Volantis.
IZKIN: Born a slave, always a slave, Servant of R’hllor.
QARZDAQ: My slavery has freed me as it has you, I’m sure.
The Light looks over at the High Priest and his visitors. The High Priest acknowledges him with a nod and the Light turns back to his low chanting.
The group walks into the private chamber and the High Priest closes the door.
IZKIN: So, what can I do for you this fine day, Brother Qarzdaq?
QARZDAQ: My Brother…
Shadowsilver interrupts.
SHADOW: It’s beautiful in here.
IZKIN: I must ask you to leave. All of you must leave. You have disrespected the Inner Sanctum and are no longer invited here. I knew this was a mistake.
QHORTHO: Wait. What?
SHADOW: That’s fine.
IZKIN: Qarzdaq, if there is a time in the future when you are without your companions, we can speak then.
Izkin opens the door.
QARZDAQ: You must forgive me for my friends. Shadowsilver, I must ask you to leave. My word is all I have and you have broken the sacred vow that you have given me before this place.
Ornogrim looks at Shadowsilver, shakes his head, and walks out. Tholannan follows him out.
QHORTHO: I didn’t even want to be in here anyway…
The High Priest glares at Qhortho as he exits and mutters a racial slur for Dothraki in High Valyrian under his breath.
SHADOW: I’m not leaving.
Izkin pulls his hood up, bows his head, and clasps his hands.
IZKIN: All I have is time.
SHADOW: I apologize. I thought I raised my hand and said it’s beautiful, but I’m not leaving Qarzdaq in here alone with Izkin.
Qarzdaq walks out of the room, Shadowsilver follows. Izkin waits a moment, then walks out behind them, closes the door and locks it.
ORNOGRIM: Tell me ma’am. What was the use in that?
SHADOW: I think that was the perfect scenario because there was nothing good to come from this place.
ORNOGRIM: I see… So your subterfuge was intentional.
SHADOW: No, but I think we ended up in a good place.
QARZDAQ: Uhhhh…. It ended up in YOUR place. And you’ve disrespected my religion against my express orders after I gave you my WORD that I would not hand this Amulet over that you have twice tried to steal from me. I have been honest and you have been dishonest. I will not ask you to meet with my Brother again… I’m sorry. But I WILL meet with my Brother to present this Amulet. I will not give it to him…
SHADOW: Ok. What if he tries to take it with force?
QARZDAQ: With force?? Well, that would be interesting.
ORNOGRIM: And you may have wished you hadn’t gotten us uninvited from his chambers.
SHADOW: I don’t think that saying ‘This is a beautiful place,’ should have elicited that response.
Qarzdaq’s temper flairs slightly and he interrupts her.
QARZDAQ: Yes, but you do not follow my religion! And you do not know what is and is not! For an outsider to speak within the Inner Chamber is the highest blasphemy! Especially a woman outsider!
SHADOW: Well then he can go fuck himself. And I’ll slap him in the face the next time I see him.
Izkin walks over to the group still arguing in the Temple.
IZKIN: Please. All of you must leave the Temple now. (He looks at Shadowsilver) Especially you.
They all walk outside the temple and still see no sign of Burton.
Qarzdaq compromises that Tholannan, and only Tholannan, will come with him to meet with the High Priest and Tholannan will let the group know. Shadowsilver lets it be known that all she cares about is that they continue to keep the Amulet when they finally meet with Tyrone.
It appears more and more that Shadowsilver is shifting towards Chaotic; breaking all rules simply because they exist, not necessarily because of a disagreement in how they are carried out. This may be rubbing off on Qhortho, whose complete lack of respect for positions of authority have put him on a path, albeit slower than Shadowsilver’s, towards Chaotic as well. Tholannan may or may not be losing his Good edge, with a willingness to forego the greater good on more than one occasion, though not in dire circumstances – we shall see how he handles himself in the future.
Perhaps We Should Try That Again?
Qarzdaq and Tholannan re-enter the Temple, and the High Priest walks over to them. His patience shines through as a matter of practiced discourse, overcoming the irritation bubbling within.
IZKIN: Is there something else I can help you with?
Qarzdaq lays prostrate before him and his prostrate in front of him, begging his forgiveness and asks him to grant just the two of them re-entry to discuss the matter still at hand. Tholannan takes a knee as a sign of respect and tells him that although he is of the Mother Rhoyne, he respects other faiths and their ways.
High Priest Izkin agrees to grant them an audience as long as Tholannan does not speak and leads them to the Inner Sanctum.
QARZDAQ: Brother, I have important news to give you and I ask for your opinion, but I must inform you that my ultimate allegiance is to the Red Temple of Volantis, where my superiors reside.
IZKIN: All of our ultimate allegiance is to R’hllor.
QARZDAQ: Indeed. We’ve come across this Amulet in our travels. This is an Amulet that I intend to present to Volantis.
Izkin immediately bows his head in its presence and asks for a quick leave to get the Western Light. He arrives moments later with the Western Light., who has a look of disbelief on his face as he enters. The door is closed quickly.
The Western Light looks at it and with one glance, he bows his head.
LIGHT: Sir. I did not catch your name.
QARZDAQ: Qarzdaq of Volantis.
LIGHT: I am Azqar Qintari, Western Light tasked to oversee the spread of R’hllor’s vision to all of Westeros.
QARZDAQ: That sounds like a Ghiscari name. You are not from the east, are you?
AZQAR: I am. I hail from Volantis as well. You must not let anyone else know that you have this. Clearly your Rhoynar friend here does and I saw you with other travelers.
QARZDAQ: I assure you Western Light, only my companions know I have this.
AZQAR: Those who covet it the most, must not be allowed to possess it.
QARZDAQ: My intent is to eventually present this Amulet to the Red Temple in Volantis. As a sign of respect, I knew I must show this to you, but I wish to personally bring it back to Volantis.
AZQAR: It seems you happened upon this during your travels and are not the rightful owner.
QARZDAQ: That is correct.
AZQAR: I do not detect the faith of R’hllor to be strong enough within you for this monumental task. I apologize, but it is my decree. This should not be trusted to such a young fellow. Give it here and I will return it to Volantis myself.
QARZDAQ: Father Light, as you know, I respect your position, but I must respect that my allegiance is directly to my superiors at the Great Red Temple and I feel it is MY sacred duty and that of my companions to be the deliverer of this artifact. Surely, if this came into my hands, it must be R’hllor’s will in some way — as is that my companions have come together, and before you. An Unlikely Assembly indeed, but surely the unlikeliness is even more proof of R’hllor’s great hand in this matter. I ask, with your blessing, that you allow me to continue to hold on to this great artifact of our faith. Surely, you can ask about our group, what we are capable of, and what we’ve accomplished, but from my experiences, I feel there is no safer group than ours to handle this great burden.
AZQAR: So you deny my request.
QARZDAQ: I humbly request an extension.
AZQAR: This was a test and you have passed. I will allow you to hold it, but you must make your way to Volantis to return it at your earliest ability.
QARZDAQ: I swear to you that this will touch no other hand than the Volantine Light.
AZQAR: I will say this. The fact you would not hand it over is, as I see it, a sign that it is in good hands. I also agree with your logic – if you happened upon it, you are the rightful user for the time being. I will say again that you must keep it out of anyone else’s hands, at all costs. Even those that you trust most may end up using for ill will.
QARZDAQ: I understand. And under pain of death, I will not allow another to touch this.
AZQAR: I wish you the best of luck in your journey and hope that R’hllor allows you to travel to Volantis with haste.
QARZDAQ: Father Light. Could you provide any information on what this actually is?
AZQAR: The Amulet of Lightbringer was originally crafted thousands of years ago, by the ancients. Even farther back than the First Men’s arrival in Westeros. This was a gift from R’hllor himself, so they say. It is told that the rightful wielder shall harness the power of R’hllor directly as if channeling his spirit, causing it to glow.
QARZDAQ: I experienced that earlier!
AZQAR: You did?!
Qarzdaq tells the story of sailing into Volantis fighting the Ironborn when the Amulet lit up.
AZQAR: But you don’t know how you engaged its power.
QARZDAQ: Only that I felt rage at the destruction of such a place of knowledge, wisdom, and piety.
AZQAR: Perhaps you are the truly rightful owner. The stories tell us that only those worthy enough to harness the power must meditate on the Amulet for 1 hour per day. After some time of communing with the artifact, you will begin to harness its power when it is needed most. You will be able to activate it during an encounter, when initiative is rolled.
QARZDAQ: Western Light and High Priest, I thank you for your time. I must return to my companions, we have a mission to attend to. Thank you so much.
AZQAR: May R’hllor guide you. I will send word to Volantis that the Amulet has been found.
The duo leaves the chamber and the Temple. They rejoice in how well they handled that as they describe what was said in the chamber. Standing outside the Red Temple, Qarzdaq tells the others that he still has the Amulet.
SHADOW: Good. Then I don’t have to kill you.
QARZDAQ: You probably couldn’t have.
She rolls her eyes.
SHADOW: Ok. Well it’s just a joke.
A few seconds of awkward silence is broken by Tholannan.
THOL: They asked for it and he refused.
SHADOW: Well I’m glad to hear it. The only reason I was so worried about it, which I’ve otherwise always trusted you and everything you said, is that you said specifically that you would give it up if they asked for it. That made me extremely nervous. I hope you can understand that.
QARZADAQ: You are correct, but I will not give this item up until I am back in the Red Temple in Volantis.
SHADOW: And I hope you realize that I gave it up to you immediately and I did not steal it for myself.
QARZADAQ: I also will not let another creature touch that Amulet until I am back in the Red Temple.
SHADOW: In my opinion, you have proven yourself on that, so I no longer have a concern.
QARZADAQ: Thank you.
SHADOW: And my concern was ONLY because of your words.
QARZADAQ: I understand. All you care about is the conflict of others.
SHADOW: Yeah! All I was thinking about how other people are involved in this.
QARZADAQ: I am so glad we have such a motherly figure in our midst.
They all laugh, including Shadowsilver.
ORNOGRIM: Well friends, I don’t know if your friend is coming. Perhaps he double-crossed you.
SHADOW: I don’t think he double-crossed us, but we don’t have to wait for him any longer. He’ll find us.
They decide to make a marking on the ground. They discuss using same symbol they used on the weapons carts from Yronwood, then they decide Thieves’ Cant would be more descriptive. They decide on writing a short message in Thieves’ Cant, “an acolyte in the temple has a note for you. Use code Geronimo.” Qarzdaq then writes a note for Burton on vellum, “At Starry Sept; go to fighting warehouse after dark.” He seals it and gives it to an acolyte with instructions to only give it to someone who asks for it and uses the code word ‘Geronimo.’
Collecting Their Weapons
They leave for the weapons shop to pick up their silvered items. On the way, they discuss about how Qhortho taking a dive would earn them so much more money than working with Vitoryn. Everyone agrees with that, but none except Shadowsilver thinks they should actually go through with it.
They collect their gear from the various shops around town and before they go anywhere else, Tholannan stops Qhortho.
THOL: Hey big guy, I have a little something for you. A token of our friendship.
Tholannan places one of the platinum rings in Qhortho’s hand from the pair he purchased earlier.
THOL: Wear this and remember me.
Qhortho puts it on immediately.
QHORTHO: Wow – thanks!
SHADOW: I feel like you guys are just best friends forever!
Tholannan has a more practical reason for what he’s done here. The platinum rings serve as the material components for a spell known as Warding Bond, providing an outlet for damage dealt to Qhortho; half of all damage dealt to Qhortho will be taken by Tholannan instead. In the future, he plans to cast this before an encounter or a boxing match to alleviate some of the damage. And with the cloak he is having made, Tholannan can heal himself without drawing attention to that fact.
They pick up the rest of their gear around town.
SHADOW: I don’t think Burton’s coming back guys… He’s probably gallivanting around, raping children somewhere. It’s quite surprising that he’s not a priest of R’hllor. No offense. I’m just saying…
Qarzdaq pretend not to hear that and instead asks Ornogrim about Vitoryn. He describes him as a man not to be trifled with. Vitoryn is the reason why there is no squalor in Oldtown, or so the rumors go. He and his crew, which is vast, live in the mansions they’d seen across the river. In essence, he made Oldtown great again. He brought manufacturing back to Oldtown, built a fantastic wall around the city. He’s a tiny guy, and his hands may be a bit small, but he likes to ensure people that it does not reflect on other parts of his anatomy. “Everything is fine there, folks, believe me,” is what he has been heard saying.
They discuss which Sept is best to visit to understand more about the High Sparrows and his followers. Ornogrim says that they typically congregate around the Starry Sept up by the Citadel.
Sparrows in the Sept
Ornogrim leads them to the black marble Starry Sept, a domed building with seven sides constructed of black marble with large windows. They see a small congregation of about seven people outside with the seven-pointed star carved into their foreheads chanting and bowing towards the building.
Qarzdaq makes a comment about the Red Temple in Volantis being much grander – Shadowsilver responds that the Red Temples out here are just garbage. She follows that up by saying it was just a joke, but there are now a number of instances of “jokes” being a way to deliver pinpricks of hostility.
They walk past the Sparrows and enter the Sept to a man preaching loudly near the back of the building. The man also has a 7-pointed star carved into his forehead. Ornogrim confirms this is the High Sparrow.
ORNOGRIM: I think we should listen to him for some time before we approach, just to see if there is anything we can leverage.
H SPARROW: Friends, Followers, we will continue our way of relieving ourselves of all possessions to provide to those in need and those who would be willing to accept the Faith of the Seven in their hearts. We must walk full-on into the unknown and not be afraid of the Stranger. With the wisdom provided by the Crone, we must be willing to pass judgment on all, as guided by the Father. May the Mother allow us to show compassion amongst our followers, and may the Warrior guide us to take up arms against those who might oppose us, equipped with steel from the Smith, to protect the purity of the Maiden that strives to exist in our hearts, her virtue consistently under siege by corruption of greed, of power, of faith. The Faith of the Seven should instate a Faith Militant to rule by the gods. Blessed are the Peacemakers.
QARZDAQ: Did he say, ‘blessed are the cheese makers??’
ORNOGRIM: What’s so special about the cheese makers?
THOL: It’s not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.
As they look over the group of Sparrows, they notice that none of them wear boots and all of them are armed with axes, flails, and maces. Ornogrim says they may leave town just by offering them some good ‘threads’ – to replace the toga-like robes they are wearing now.
Shadowsilver ponders whether she could fashion a seven-pointed-star-shaped arrowhead so she can let one fly through the forehead of one of these so-called Sparrows.
ORNOGRIM: Maybe we can get them to start a new town where they can preach outside of Oldtown.
SHADOW: Like a New Found Land?
ORNOGRIM: Yeah, something like that. I did not come into this with a real plan – I just have a healthy case of wanderlust.
SHADOW: Tell me more about you whole outlook on Life and its importance.
ORNOGRIM: What? Life is sacred, do you disagree?
SHADOW: I do think it’s sacred, but I’m just interested in why you feel that way.
QARZDAQ: We can’t kill these people Shadow.
SHADOW: I’m not suggesting that – I would never say such a thing.
They discuss a few options, including getting them to move elsewhere. Some locations such as Yronwood, Blackmont, or even a new commune up north. They could warn them of a plot and they should move to a safe house. They decide whatever is done, it must appear to the Sparrows to be their idea and that it will serve a greater good to be elsewhere.
Another option is to pose as refugees from a war-torn land that is looking for order, which the Faith of the Seven would be there to fulfill. That could be seen by them as an easy win.
They decide that threatening them would be a bad idea.
Qarzdaq formulates a plan where Qhortho is from the Great Grass Sea (Qhortho smiles and nods enthusiastically) and that his people need conversion (Qhortho’s smile lessens then becomes a frown, which converts to a full scowl). Qhortho does not like this idea.
Shadowsilver offers up another option: they give the Sparrows the ship and get them to sail back to the Sandship… Qarzdaq takes another opportunity to remind Shadowsilver that they are not going to kill the Sparrows. Shadowsilver’s plan continues: where they will take care of our ship and care for our horses. Ornogrim doesn’t know how they would convince the Sparrows to do that; Tholannan protests that he doesn’t like the idea of these fanatics mingling with his people. That is quickly followed up by Shadowsilver saying that once the Assembly arrives back at the Sandship, they can just kill them. She then motions to Qarzdaq to put his earmuffs on.
The discussion goes towards the Dothraki and their customs. Qarzdaq makes a joke about what happens when a Dothraki woman really likes a horse. The conversation devolves into one about… well… perhaps the audio would do a better job than a transcript…
It is also learned that there is a Thieves’ Cant hand signal for donkey fucking. It should always be placed sideways first, like so.
They get back on point:
Shadowsilver “jokes” about stuffing them into a special box below deck of their ship, then “losing” that box while at sea.
Qarzdaq suggests sending them to the Iron Islands somehow. They devise a scheme where Tholannan poses as a reformed Priest of the Drowned God who had a vision and realized that the Faith of the Seven is the true faith. All the Iron Islanders want is to take things and life – they need some of that “old timey” religion to put their people right. He now knows he had misplaced his devotion and seeks the most faithful in all the lands. The Faith of the Seven focuses on the release of material items, the release of want, and the love of life (which isn’t exactly true). He then discovers that he was, in fact, NOT molested as a child due to a Molestation Saving throw of 17.
While they have been planning the Sparrows’ demise, the High Sparrow continue to preach.
They attempt to put this plan into action. Tholannan will obviously need to go, so now they decide if anyone else should go with him. Qhortho states that he should definitely not be one to go. Qarzdaq says that he should go but then remembers that he has face tattoos showing him as a servant of R’hllor – he’s only had them all his life. Ornogrim says that he might be recognized, but he doesn’t know these people personally, so he’d be ok to go as a backup. He could play the part of a sellsword to protect this Iron Islander while in town. Shadowsilver says that she should be the one to go in (“I’d be perfect to go.”), not Ornogrim. The group swiftly declines. They suggest she climb around on the rafters or something. She agrees to this. (Yes, Jeff, this was verified as requested in the recording and it happens at 3:44:22 – however, he wanted her to retroactively join the group, so it was done)
Tholannan and Ornogrim will be the ones to approach the High Sparrow.
The High Sparrow finishes preaching and descends from the dais. Tholannan walks up to him, with Ornogrim close behind, and bows deeply before him. Ornogrim stands by his side as if hired for protection. Shadowsilver sidles up beside Tholannan on the opposite side from Ornogrim, but remains silent.
THOL: High Sparrow, I have heard stories of your faithfulness. My name is Cedric. I come from the far north. I WAS a priest of the Drowned God. Of high stature. I have seen things in our society that has caused me to question my faith and turn away from our ways. Our society faces a problem. One that could bring it to an end. A similar story of which you speak on the pulpit. In fact, all of the things you’ve said resonate in my heart and soul. I have come to you because our society, once proud, dependent on our rich faith and heritage, is crumbling due to a lack of reverence to the old ways. Specifically, a lust for material wealth and a failure to remember who we truly are. I hear stories of the Faith of the Seven — and I have seen what you have done in this town – but for all the influence you have and all the change you’ve been able to bring, I ponder whether the true purpose of this mission lies elsewhere. I see a problem in my hometown that is at least greater by ten times, if not more. It is because of a vision I had where a poor man in gray robes, one I would perceive as a beggar in my hometown, preaching on the pulpit. It was followed by a man holding a flaming torch sitting atop a spire. I believe this vision sent me on a long and arduous quest to find you and ask for your help, and that of your followers, to spread the ideas cultivated here to my hometown.
H SPARROW: Well. I will say that your story is quite far-fetched, but so far-fetched that it could not be false.
“CEDRIC”: It is the truth.
H SPARROW: I believe you. You are saying that me and the Sparrows should make way to Pyke to lead your people from their less-than-devout ways.
“CEDRIC”: Yes. They are utterly without leadership. I believe this movement would find roots there.
H SPARROW: Then you shall join us? We will anoint you with the symbol of our Faith and have you join us on our quest. We would greatly welcome your help in this.
“CEDRIC”: As much as I would love to take your mark and join your movement, I have a great penance to pay to my last allegiance and I fear that I could never undertake a new faith without having first cleaned that part of my soul. However, in my hometown, you will see that a very large number of people who thirst for the clarity and direction and freedom from those things that plague our society. And should you choose to help me in this endeavor, the rewards and growth of your following will be magnified in ways you cannot imagine.
H SPARROW: Would you at least supply us with a ship to get there and crew to man the ship?
“CEDRIC”: As it so happens, some friends of ours may have the provisions to provide safe transport to that location if you are willing. We have a ship that has been proven to defeat the Ironborn longships in battle. You could enter as civilians and spread your movement in a similar manner as you have here.
H SPARROW: This seems to be a death sentence. The Iron Born have been conducting raids on Oldtown and along the entire coast of Westeros and I fear we simply do not have the numbers to win that war. However, I do believe you in their need and we will be pursuing that goal in due time.
ORNOGRIM: I know I’m just a local sellsword here, and I’m happy to be at your service Cedric, but if you ask me, it’s Yronwood that could use a touch from The Seven. They’re blasphemous as hell.
Both the High Sparrow and Tholannan look at Ornogrim, take it into consideration and put the thought aside for the time-being.
H SPARROW: Though I appreciate your concern, and I truly believe that your people are in aid for their faith, I do not see how we, with our 11 people, could possibly make any sort of dent in a culture as closed as the Ironborn.
“CEDRIC”: I see your point, but I have seen a vision of your success and the 10 others I see here today, I saw as hundreds in the Ironborn.
H SPARROW: Perhaps we are destined to find our numbers, then sail to Pyke with a fleet.
“CEDRIC”: I do not see how you will grow here, friend. I believe the hunger and thirst for your faith lies to the north as my friend mentioned, there are a number of cities in that direction falling into moral calamity.
ORNOGRIM: Quite true, quite true.
H SPARROW: It seems that you just want us elsewhere.
“CEDRIC”: No not at all – we’ve come here to help spread the Faith of…
H SPARROW: I have grown our followers from myself to 11 in this place and I believe there are more to join our ranks imminently. We shall grow our numbers then head to Pyke.
ORNOGRIM: I think Oldtown is an intellectual, hoity-toity, not-very-open-minded sort of town, to ideas such as yours. I believe that if you were to try your art elsewhere, you might have gotten more than just the 11 you have. Though you have grown, it has not been fast enough, I would say.
H SPARROW: I agree that it has not been fast enough… yet.
“CEDRIC”: Oldtown is a law-abiding town, it is just, and it has its materialistic issues, but imagine the problems in the north. They are far greater and more people are affected. Why not take this movement to do something greater and in line with your faith by spreading it there.
ORNOGRIM: And they fuck donkeys. They lay them on their sides first.
He glances at Ornogrim, glances back to Tholannan, then back to Ornogrim, furrows his brow, then after a moment turns back to Tholannan.
H SPARROW: Look. I believe your heart is in the right place, and I agree with your overall idea, but I just don’t see the practicality in it at this time. Maybe in the years ahead when our numbers have grown, we will take your advice and spread the word to Pyke.
ORNOGRIM: My friend here as asked that I provide my advice as I see fit. What do you think you’d need to do this at the current time?
H SPARROW: Numbers and a fleet. Devout followers. Not sellswords.
(This is where Jeff 3:57:39 officially requests to rewind the audio and verify that Shadowsilver agreed to this plan, which was done and noted above, 13 minutes and 17 seconds earlier. However, he requested she retroactively be allowed to join Tholannan and Ornogrim, so the following only happened in an alternate universe, where alternate facts run amuck.)
Shadowsilver, still now with the others, wonders aloud why she didn’t go with them. She can see they’re fucking this up. Qarzdaq tells her that they wouldn’t let her go because they knew she’d say some terrible shit.
“CEDRIC”: It hurts my heart to hear you talk all this talk on the pulpit and then just sit here, a man of inaction. To have grown this movement…
“CEDRIC”: …at this point to not lead these people who need your help up north, with no hope, I just don’t see how you can sit here and continue to make these sorts of speeches.
Shadowsilver, at this point, make a bunch of sounds representing some sort of agreement.
ORNOGRIM: Perhaps you should just take a look up there and decide what you see with your own two eyes?
H SPARROW: That is quite a loooong journey to just take a look. I do not have the numbers to do this. I appreciate it, but if you’re not going to join our ranks, I see our conversation as done here.
SHADOW: I am very interested in learning more about what you believe. In the gods, in the future, and…
ORNOGRIM: She did say she was willing to take your mark.
SHADOW: Well, you know, we’ll see. I want to know, I want to learn.
H SPARROW: We believe that the Faith of the Seven is the only true faith…
H SPARROW: …and that it is up to us to rid ourselves of material wealth and restore the law and order of the Seven. We shall form the Faith Militant. Would you like to join our ranks?
SHADOW: It sounds fantastic. Everything about it.
H SPARROW: We can get you marked immediately.
SHADOW: I’m not sure I’m ready for the marking, but I’d like to learn more.
H SPARROW: If you are not prepared for the marking, then you are not prepared for the Faith.
SHADOW: Well, you know. I’m a little measured. I like to be…
H SPARROW: It seems inebriation has overtaken you.
SHADOW: Yes, definitely… BUT…
H SPARROW: You should not make any rash decisions in this state of mind.
SHADOW: I’m not making any rash decisions. My point is I don’t want to make any rash decisions. That’s why I don’t want the scars right away. But I would like to learn more. Because I am interested and I might be interested in that, but I’m just not there yet. I’m just not there yet, but I would like to know more. I might be there.
H SPARROW: Well, I have told you our basic tenants. If you are willing to give us everything you own, we can take that as the first step.
SHADOW: Is there a way I can just hang out with somebody that’s made that decision and just, like, learn more and…
H SPARROW: I feel you’re not quite ready to take on the Faith.
SHADOW: I might be.
H SPARROW: We are looking for the truly devout who are willing to take up arms.
SHADOW: So if someone’s close to ready, but not quite ready, you just cast them aside?
“CEDRIC”: To take up arms? I thought this was a peaceful movement.
H SPARROW: No. This is to restore the law and order and the Sword for the Seven.
ORNOGRIM: I thank you for your time sir. I think we should discuss this further.
SHADOW: I agree. Goodbye sir.
They begin walking away from the High Sparrow who continues to eye them cautiously.
A Change of Plans
Qarzdaq, who has been peeking around the corner from outside, sees Tholannan leaving without the High Sparrow and picks up from the body language and the length of conversation that the High Sparrow was interested but was put off by the end of the discussion. Qarzdaq quickly puts together a plan to treat Tholannan, Ornogrim, and Shadowsilver as bad people – perhaps, assassins.
Qarzdaq sends Tholannan a Message, “Qhortho and I have a plan. Act like you don’t know us. Act scarce when we walk up.”
Tholannan agrees and whispers these instructions to Ornogrim and Shadowsilver.
Qarzdaq motions to Qhortho to follow him, and they make way to the High Sparrow, who has now turned around. Qarzdaq yells out to the High Sparrow. He turns around and watches as the group of three quicken their pace as they pass the Red Priest and Dothraki. Tholannan dons a hood and turns left out of the sept; Ornogrim covers his face slightly and exits to the right. Shadowsilver turns around while walking, continuing backwards towards the exit. She watches the two newcomers then shifts her eyes to make direct contact with the High Sparrow. She stares at him uncomfortably long, then turns back around and leaves towards the left.
Qarzdaq and Qhortho get within conversation range to the High Sparrow. He shudders slightly trying to shake off Shadowsilver’s stare.
H SPARROW: What can I do for you?
QARZDAQ: My compatriot and I have come with news.
QHORTHO: This is very important. You’re in danger.
QARZDAQ: We believe the government in town may have sent three assassins after you. It may be useful if you leave town?
H SPARROW: Leave? You are now the second group of people to say I need to leave town.
QARZDAQ: We fear for your safety.
QHORTHO: You and your followers must come with us, and we will protect you until we can get out of town.
The High Sparrow looks them both over incredulously, but his expression changes after he realizes they must be telling him the truth.
H SPARROW: So I need to get out of town, but how do I know it’ll be safe if we leave town?
QHORTHO: We can arrange for you to go to High Garden.
QARZDAQ: We can offer you safe passage to the borders of Oldtown and then hire guards to take you to High Garden.
H SPARROW: Who are these assassins?
QARZDAQ: We do not know what form they come in.
H SPARROW: You will take us personally?
H SPARROW: How do I know who I can trust? I believe you both personally, but I do not know of whom you would hire. And if you do not know the form of the assassins, then how do we know the hirelings would not be the very same assassins? If you are truly here to save us from demise, then I would greatly appreciate you both escorting us.
QHORTHO: Then we shall do that.
QARZDAQ: Do you have a location in mind?
H SPARROW: No. Oldtown is the center of the Faith of the Seven.
QHORTHO: Time to expand.
QARZDAQ: Thinking out loud here, perhaps a small village outside of town might be best. There is less bustle for assassins to use as cover, and it would be less likely to find you and your followers in a smaller location. Maybe you can even build your numbers to that of an entire village? Then perhaps to High Garden, the political seat of The Reach?
H SPARROW: I think this sounds like an excellent idea.
QARZDAQ: Ok. Let’s be under way at once.
QHORTHO: We probably don’t have much time.
H SPARROW: We are ready to leave now. We have no belongings, save our simple weaponry.
He calls out to his followers, “Sparrows, we must fly!” They all flock towards him.
Qarzdaq Messages Tholannan about the plan, “we’ll meet up with you in about two days at the Swaggering Spider. Not taking the ship.” Tholannan responds, “Understood.” Then informs the other two of the plan.
Qarzdaq and Qhortho lead the flock of Sparrows up the Roseroad to the outskirts of town, while Tholannan and Shadowsilver go to Vitoryn’s warehouse. Ornogrim tells the others that he is going to update Aeramion on the progress but, while enroute, decides to track the Q’s and the flock of Sparrows instead.
Vitoryn’s Warehouse
Shadowsilver and Tholannan walk up to the warehouse where they made such profit the night before. They pass by two guards standing watch outside the door as they enter the now a mostly-empty warehouse – a stark difference from the energetic crowd from the night before, much like the lights cutting on after an all-night rave. The jarring difference destroys the mystique and flavor of the entire establishment.
The mess of ripped-up tickets and trash is being collected and swept away by about 20 people or so. A few others are preparing the ring for tonight’s fights. Six people are playing cards at a table near the ring, about 100 feet away from the entrance. When they get within 20 feet, Vitoryn stands up from the table, “Ho!”
VITORYN: So you showed up to give me my piece, eh?
THOL: Vitoryn, good to see you again. About that. Maybe we could chat off to the side if you’re not too busy.
They walk about 20 feet away from the table, still within earshot of the others playing cards.
THOL: So. I guess we’re going to talk about the fight the other night. You seem to think we owe you a little bit of cash from that.
VITORYN: Yeah. You owe me a little bit uh cash fuh dat.
THOL: We’re willing to pay your fee…
THOL: But I think you saw a spectacular fight last night and we would really like to get him back in the ring with a worthy foe. That guy you had him against, as pretty as he was – and he was a pretty man – my boy took him down, no problem. Nothing to it.
VITORYN: Dat’s true.
THOL: I’m thinking with a bigger adversary and a little better marketing, we could have ten times the number of people in this warehouse.
VITORYN: I like weah yaw head’s at. Why don’t you quit stallin and give my tree hundred and we’ll tawk about it.
THOL: Do we have an agreement then? If we agree to pay you your fee…
VITORYN: I wouldn’t say an agreement, but we can definitely tawk about dis. Cuz deah’s maw gold to be made.
SHADOW: That’s definitely not going to happen, unless you…
VITORYN: Who da fuck aw you??
SHADOW: You’re listening to me! I’m right here!
VITORYN: I hea you blabbin yaw mout, I see you tawkin…
Shadowsilver tries to speak over him.
SHADOW: Trust me, you think this guy’s…
Vitoryn gets even louder.
SHADOW: You think this guy’s like really funny and is like, gonna like, be really calm and everything?? You haven’t heard fucking shit yet!
Vitoryn turns to Tholannnan, getting even louder.
VITORYN: LOOK AT DIS FUCKIN BITCH… (turns back to Shadowsilver) SHUT DA FUCK UP!
She continues to try speaking over him.
Vitoryn turns to the players at the table, who have all taken notice already.
VITORYN: Guys, you believe dis bitch?
She continues to move and looks to be yelling, but all sound stops from her. Tholannan’s Silence creates a sphere focused about 20 feet away, just to prevent Shadowsilver’s threats from being heard. It only lasts 10 minutes, so they don’t have too much time to hang around.
Tholannan and Vitoryn make eye contact. Vitoryn is caught slightly off guard by this, shifting his eyes back and forth between the animated Shadowsilver and the calm, collected Tholannan.
VITORYN: Dat’s a nice trick you got deah.
THOL: Look, 300 gold. No big deal.
Tholannan hands over the gold, knowing Qhortho will split it with him.
VITORYN: Aright.
THOL: I’ve got a little other business to attend to.
VITORYN: I appreciate da sign of respect deah. Now we can tawk about what we can do tonight.
THOL: Tonight is actually not a good night. But can we get back to you with a schedule? I’m the fighter’s agent, but my client is out of town for a few days. Maybe we can set it up for a weekend, when there will be more patrons.
VITORYN: Yeah. I like dis.
THOL: I like your style. Shake on it?
VITORYN: You got it. (they shake hands) You come back when yaw ready, no time limits on it, and we’ll tawk.
THOL: We’ll be back for sure.
They end the conversation cordially. Tholannan collects Shadowsilver, who is still irate, and they walk out of the warehouse. They plan to go back to a local tavern along the way, and they speak very little on the way back. Well… Tholannan speaks very little. Shadowsilver continues to vent about how that was a waste of time and how they could make so much more money by throwing the fight. She still thinks they shouldn’t have paid them and was ready to slice him up.
For their resolution with Vitoryn, every member of the Unlikely Assembly gains 500XP.
The Q’s and the Flock of Sparrows
After about an hour of walking, The Q’s and the Flock of Sparrows arrive at Sir Winston’s Champ, a tack shop near a series of stables. They discuss buying some horses and carriages and decide that the fastest way would be the best way. They negotiate a deal to buy the horses and gear up front then sell them back at a greater price than the typical buy-back rate. The man running the stables says that since they will be returning it in essentially the same quality as they buy them, and the gear is just sitting here right now, why not make some money off of their usage instead of purchase. Qhortho foots the bill up front and will expect a full refund less 2% of the purchase price per day. This turns out to be 12gp per day for the entire caravan.
The beginning of renting is born in Westeros.
They pile into two wagons, Qhortho and Qarzdaq each driving one. They do not have spare wheels or axles and fear the potential for dysentery, but they forge ahead.
About 10 minutes later, Ornogrim shows up at the stables and gets one of the City Watch horses to continue tracking them. He is sure to maintain a safe following distance. He is never within sight of them; he simply continues to follow the newly formed tracks by who Ornogrim calls, “amateurs” – and thankfully they are.
They travel for five days before seeing billowing black smoke on the horizon to the west.
QARZDAQ: Qhortho… I hate to say this, but we need to leave these guys here and we have to check that out.
They agree to unhitch the horses and ride up to the town. Qarzdaq calls back to the High Sparrow.
QARZDAQ: You see that smoking town over there? We’re going to ride up to that town over there and see what’s going on. We promised to deliver you safely unto the next town and if that town is not safe, then we cannot deliver you unto it by my word. And if anything, I’m a man of my word. Even if one of my friends back in Oldtown doesn’t believe me.
H SPARROW: So you’re going to leave us here on the main road, with assassins potentially still after us? May we please just come with you?
QHORTHO: If you’re not afraid of danger?…
QARZDAQ: I think it could be more dangerous. I don’t think we’ve been followed.
H SPARROW: The Faith of the Seven shall help us through this!
The Sparrows here this and return the cheer. Qhortho and Qarzdaq look in the back of their wagons and see each of the men with flails, maces, and axes, itching to unleash the Faith upon heretics.
QHORTHO: Then we shall ride on with wagons intact!
They ride up and approach a small town by the name of Honeysuckle that looks to have been recently ransacked. The entire town isn’t destroyed – up ahead is a section that looks relatively untouched. When they get within the town limits they see families huddled together in front of burned houses, still smoking — a father aimlessly walking and crying while holding his dead daughter in his arms — two children pulling on their mother, trying to wake her from an eternal slumber — a child on the ground hugging his knees, staring off in the distance.
A group of people is trying to help those in need, trying to restore something resembling order. A thin, but strong-looking woman wearing farmhand clothes, with blonde hair and green eyes appears to be leading the charge. She looks up at the two wagons entering town. When they get within earshot she yells, “Don’t just sit there! We’ve caught your attention, now do something to help or get out of the way!”
QARZDAQ: High Sparrow, I think your weapons are of no need here. I think your hands will do more good.
H SPARROW: It is time for the Mother to lay her blessing on these people.
The Sparrows exit the wagons and begin to provide assistance wherever they can. Qarzdaq and Qhortho dismount from their stages.
QARZDAQ: High Sparrow, we have brought you here safely to do the work of The Seven. We will leave for Oldtown and attempt to find the assassins. You should be safe here.
QHORTHO: And you seem to have found a place that needs you.
H SPARROW: We thank you. I don’t think the assassins will find us here.
Qarzdaq walks to the blonde woman leading the charge.
QARZDAQ: These Sparrows have come from Oldtown. They wish to lend their hands to the rebuilding of your village. I hope this is not a burden on you; I hope you find them helpful. What happened in your fair village?
WOMAN: I appreciate the help and greatly appreciate you bringing The Faith hereto aid us in this time of need! My name is Frydah Greenhandler. We are a small simple farming town and are continually invaded by these creatures from the misty foothills to the east. The please we send to Highgarden fall on deaf ears, which isn’t all that surprising, given our history. We’ve been looted of our prized possessions but now our children are being kidnapped. We care more about our children and the future of our settlement than we do our possessions, but we have no way to stop the raids.
QARZDAQ: Is this something a Dothraki and a sorcerer may be able to attend to?
FRYDAH: I don’t know, they come in large numbers.
QHORTHO: Perhaps we can help you construct some defenses.
QARZDAQ: I have a better idea. In ten day’s time, we could come back with the Guardians of the Redwyne to assist you.
FRYDAH: That would be fantastic!
QARZDAQ: Unfortunately, and I only say this out of my own proclivities, but I speak for my friends. Our services do not come for free. What could you offer us in exchange?
FRYDAH: If you were to venture into the Misty Foothills and destroy these foul beasts, once and for all? We would be most appreciative. You could even keep most of our prized possessions, save our tools for farming so that we may get back to our way of life. Returning the coin as you see fit would certainly help us get back on our feet as well, but some expensive jewelry and art has been stolen, that you may keep as a reward, but we have nothing more to give.
Qarzdaq turns to Qhortho.
QARZDAQ: Friend, correct me if I am mistaken, but I believe this is an acceptable proposal. (As Qhortho nods in agreement, he turns to Frydah) The Sparrows here are better than equipped to protect you over the next week and a half – until my friends and I can return to do you proper justice.
FRYDAH: (looking back and forth at both of them) I would much appreciate that.
The next few words get caught in Qarzdaq’s throat as he speaks them…
QARZDAQ: May the Faith of the Seven be with you.
FRYDAH: And also with you. Thank you both!
The duo get back on their wagons and head back to the Roseroad so they may turn south back to Oldtown. As they approach the Roseroad, they are intercepted by none other than Ornogrim. His trusty raven caws then dives from the sky, landing deftly on his shoulder.
ORNOGRIM: Friends, do not be alarmed. I’ve been tracking you the past five days to ensure the safety of the Sparrows. I saw what you did there and am quite pleased. You have earned my respect and trust. I thank you both.
They have successfully delivered the Sparrows but have not fulfilled their mission until it is reported.
Over the past five days in Oldtown, Tholannan and Shadowsilver have been left to their own devices…
… we will pick up here next time, with The Unlikely Assembly…
It is now known that Burton took his spoils and left the group for good. He saw an opportunity to get out of trouble with quite a large amount of loot, and took it.
Every member is now at 19,900XP.